Windows Creator Release build 0.13.31
Windows Creator Release build 0.13.31 is available
* Undo has now been fixed and should work better than before
* Widened the inline editors for expressions and attributes
* Updated Tutorials links to point to new windows URLs
* Log Debugging Statement now works again and will display its behavior's output in the Debugger
* Fixed a crash when a trial or subscription expires on Creator login
* Open URL now works in native preview
Known Issues
- When updating, please use the same install target ("Only for me" or "Everybody") used in the previous version. If you want to change the install target, please manually uninstall the previous version of GameSalad before upgrading.
Download the the build here:
Man you are too quick for me. Last night I was looking forward to downloading 0.13.30 and spending part of today using it, but to my delight you have churned out yet another release already. Cheers once more!
Edit: Oops! I put this in the Windows release thread by mistake. I'm strictly Mac since the 128k MacIntosh was released. The only windows I use are the kind you look through.
@PhilipCC -- right there with ya! Had the original 128k Mac with the signatures of the original Mac team on the inside of the case. (Even modded it myself to give it 512K.)
...and a big HOORAH to the guy who made the creator only 30MB !
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integrating AdMob ad is not showing
attributes collision and destroy not work when using interpolation to increase or decrease the size characters . character can not collision. I need to figure when collision would destroy the character player, but attributes destroy is not working. if I do not use interpolation attributes increase or decrease the size, the attributes destroy work. please help thanks
@thanhlt Physics don´t work when you´r interpolating an actor. It´s not a bug.
Mental Donkey Games
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thank you. You have to guide integrated AdMob ?
Excellent update! It's been working really great.
I installed this update, I am still having problems with crashing. I try to set a game attribute in the attribute editor window and the gamesalad closes. This happens on all attributes.