Preview only working once...
Is anybody else experiencing this issue? I saw some older forum entries saying that they had the same problem, but that was for an old version. I'm running 13.22 on a Windows 7 Toshiba Laptop...
-Alec James
Is anybody else experiencing this issue? I saw some older forum entries saying that they had the same problem, but that was for an old version. I'm running 13.22 on a Windows 7 Toshiba Laptop...
-Alec James
Native, Web, or Device preview? There are some Android device preview fixes in the next build that may help if that's the issue you're having.
Just the native preview in the creator. Regular green arrow. Don't have this problem on my windows 8.1 desktop. Could be a video driver issue? Not even trying to device preview, but glad to hear that's getting a makeover also. Already tried uninstalling and reinstalling
I assume the first preview is working ok? What happens when you try a second time?
You might try updating video drivers and see if that helps. If not it's probably best to open a bug and attach a dxdiag to it.
Thanks for the suggestions George, I'll try updating the drivers and see what step to take next! Much appreciated!
@Aleckai Not sure if you resolved this, but same thing was happening to me. I needed to buy a new video driver.