SpaceSwarm Updated

jkanalakisjkanalakis Member, PRO Posts: 49
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
SpaceSwam has just been updated to 1.3 and comes with a new look, better control, and additional visual effects.

I've just completed a quick preview video to show what SpaceSwarm is all about. It's posted here on YouTube if anyone is interested. The screen capture was done with iShowU HD and the editing was done with iMovie.

To my pleasant surprise, SpaceSwarm now appears on the GameSalad home page.

And also appears in the latest GameSalad promo video next to my personal favorite, StuntSquirrels.

SpaceSwarm is now available on iTunes at:

Version 1.4 is on the way with new weapon power-ups, new enemy ships, and more levels. I'm always interested in player feedback for improving the game, so please let me know if you have ideas for improvement.

John K.


  • jkanalakisjkanalakis Member, PRO Posts: 49
    (Sorry for the double-post. I can't find a way to remove the duplicate posting.)
  • jkanalakisjkanalakis Member, PRO Posts: 49
    Okay, found a work-around for the double-post.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Your spaceswarm youtube vid (top one) is set to private - we can't see it!

    I knew I recognised the game on the GS front page - congratulations!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    Looks very cool. I don't have an iPad, but it looks like to would port down to an iPhone, any plans to do that?


    HOLY NOSE JOB!: Nesen Probe: Is this the single most unappealing game in the history of GameSalad? I can't seem to give it away! Anywhere. But if anyone want's to try it out, codes are still available!
  • jkanalakisjkanalakis Member, PRO Posts: 49
    There we go... video now set to Public. Thank you QS for pointing out that big oversight. ;)

    John K.
  • IntelligentDesignerIntelligentDesigner Member Posts: 517
    Have you sold any yet?

    Is there a trial version?

    I'd like to try it.
  • jkanalakisjkanalakis Member, PRO Posts: 49
    Posted codes seem to be snagged by lurkers pretty quickly. If you email me at [email protected], I'll send you a promo code. :)

    John K.
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