Developer needed to reskin app game
in Help Wanted
I purchased licensing and the source code to Zombie Candy Blitz (made in gamesalad). I need a developer that will replace images, music, sound effects etc. to customize the game and launch on both iOS & android platforms. Please provide payment and timing needed. I have only encountered flaky, unreliable developers so far. Looking for someone that will actually do the work with excellent communication. Thank you
You purchased a full source code game that was made with GS. This is the perfect opportunity for you to learn how to reskin the game yourself. Save yourself some money and watch some tutorials, read some books, ask some questions. Backward engineering is a good way to learn.
"to customize the game and launch on both iOS & android platforms"
You might want to clarify that. Will you be releasing, or do you want someone else to release it?
Ouch! sounds like you have hired the wrong dev! I'll drop you a PM now to see if I can help you make these simple modifactions. Sounds like a quick turnaround.