Windows Creator RC 0.13.15 is available
Windows Creator Release Candidate build 0.13.15 is available
- Better graphics card support.
- Better Android signing support.
- Added publish button on scene editor toolbar.
- Added direct access to templates from the file menu.
- Mouse click detection on scaled previews fixed.
If you have an NVidia card and are experiencing problems with preview, we highly recommend trying this release out. It has even been tested on a VM successfully.
Report Any Bugs
If you find bugs in the build, let us know! We'll be watching the forums, support tickets and bug database for info on this.
Thanks for your help!
Download the the build here:
Scroll down until you see "Releases for Windows (Offline Setup)"
Thanks team! (Android) | (Android) | (Android)
1366 x 768 resolution laptop
Previously I could only get clicks to work when using "legacy iphone portrait", on this version i cannot get clicks to work on any setting, including custom resolutions.
Dwarf Miner
. i downloaded the 0.13.15 version and its didnt help. this verition is worse becouse when i play the game i feel lag time (input lag). if i"ll delete this vertion and download the orginal vertion i used to make my game, my game will be deleted?
Thanks. This release fixes my NVidia preview display issue on 0.13.14 (I'm running GTX 660 on Windows 8.1). I noticed, however, that any text with "Word Wrap" ticked is no longer displaying. Also, any text with '\n' is not being correctly broken up and instead an unreadable character shows.
Please file a bug for any issue you find. Of course you are welcome to post them on the forums as well. However i really need a bug filed as well.
It gives me an installation failed every time i try to install this build
I can't even save my game when the update came!!!
There's a problem with the layers..
Everytime I tried to make another layer, you can't save the game and it crashes everytime you play it,..
Please file a bug wit us and we will take a look at it tomorrow. Good find
The RC doesn't replace the 0.13.14 release, you can have them both installed at the same time. And as long as you don't create your project in the same directory as where you installed Creator (and you shouldn't do that with any program, really), your projects will not be deleted.
I just tested word wrap an it seems to be working fine. If you could submit a bug report at and attach a sample game that demonstrates the problem, that would help us track it down.
This should be fixed in the next RC.
thanks. but my meaning was if my game will be deleted if i"ll delete the 0.1.14 and 0.1.15 vertions and will instal one of the older vertions (i dont remember which version i made my game) i just know i downloaded it from the main site and not from the forum.
Ok, I will do that. This doesn't happen on new projects, but it does happen on the project I finished on 0.10.5. When this project is opened in 0.13.15 then the Web preview works well, but the native preview treats Display Text actors differently. I will open a bug.
Thanks guys!
**Nate - Pixel Artist - Developer - Graphics Designer **
i downloaded the orginal version and its working!
. thank you so much for the help