Play gives me a black screen after update.
When Play is pressed I just get a black screen, but when I use Web Preview it works(sort of). The sort of means I can view my actors and stuff but the visuals won't update/show(confused about this). How/Can I fix this? I just started on animations and if I cant see them(via Play, or in Web), what am I going to do? Someone mentioned in another post about it, I do run a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760.
Edit : Maybe Web Preview is delayed? I saved my project and re-opened GS and the visuals updated, but this would still be very irritating and time consuming.
Re-Edit : Never mind lost visuals again.
We are having issue with the native preview ( the green play button on the left) working on nvidia cards. You can try the green play button with the star bust on the right (web preview) and see if that works better for you.
I tried the one on right, but it doesn't seem to be updating my visual changes to my project, such as change self.image to table cell value(~). Which is what I have been using in other test projects, however if I actually choose Change Image and choose from the list it updates on the web play.I guess for now it's just a matter of waiting.