Windows Creator RC 0.13.3 is available
Windows Creator Release Candidate build 0.13.3 is available
It is highly recommended that you uninstall any versions earlier than 0.13.1 of the Windows Creator Nightly before installing the new one.
- An issue where rules sometimes did not get triggered when an actor's attributes changed has been fixed.
- Playing music in native preview and in the asset list works.
- Test support for .mp3, .wma, and .asf files for music. Using these formats will mean your game will only work on Windows, it will not work on Mac or portable devices. If you want your game to be portable, you should still use .m4a music files.
Known Issues (in addition to previously listed issues in earlier 0.13 builds)
- .m4a audio will not play on Windows Vista machines.
- The automatic conversion of .wav files to .ogg for sound effects is broken. Please manually convert the files yourself using a 3rd-party program until this is fixed.
- Playing sounds from the asset list still doesn't work (playing in native preview does).
- The copy table behavior does not copy the row and/or column header names correctly. You can get around this temporarily by referring to table cells by their row and column indexes instead of names.
Report Any Bugs
If you find bugs in the build, let us know! We'll be watching the forums, support tickets and bug database for info on this.
Thanks for your help!
Download the the build here:
Scroll down until you see "Releases for Windows (Offline Setup)"
Progress is being made!
Thanks guys! (Android) | (Android) | (Android)
OK testing it right now. Thanks so much @stevej
OK testing it right now. Thanks so much @stevej
Cool. I'll play with it this weekend.
Great update!
Great job. Thanks for sharing the useful links.
Is it me or it is impossible in the native preview to refresh or change scene ?