You asked for it, you got it! GameSalad now offers convenient monthly billing!

Recent surveys completed by GameSalad users showed that you wanted a monthly plan as an alternative to the annual one.
Today, GameSalad is proud to announce a new way to pay for GameSalad PRO memberships. Starting today, in addition to annual subscriptions, we are pleased to offer a monthly PRO membership, with easy payments of just $29. The monthly plan confers the exact same PRO benefits as the annual plan, and after the one year commitment renews on a month to month basis.
The annual plan is still $299 a year, and offers our best pricing. The $29 a month plan now provides GameSalad PRO features with conveniently billed low monthly payments. Current PRO members can take advantage of the monthly pricing when they renew. Those who are not yet enjoying the powerful publishing and monetization features, there’s never been a better time to go PRO!
Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc · [email protected]
Wow. Very cool, indeed! This is going to make a lot of people very happy.
Brilliant! It is the way forward, gives you guys a steady income flow too. Yes people can argue GS is very cheap, but every other engine is breaking down costs in to monthly bite sized chunks. Good job
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Interesting structure and a great alternative for those who dont want to shell out 300 bucks in a lump.
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Awesome! Hope this brings in a bunch more pro users who were sitting on the fence.
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Very cool, good for those that want the monthy payment. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Good News
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
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@dgackey That's terrific, but talk about bad timing. I just renewed my Pro Membership last night?
I almost didn't for two reasons:
0.12.20 is what I am currently using because I consider it to be the last stable build without memory issues, and
I just bought a Pro Video camera and a new digital still camera with a big zoom for our studio
and so the cash flow is tight this month. 
But then I decide that if I don't show ongoing commitment to GameSalad, and dipped in and out of Pro Membership and others did the same, you guys would have a cash flow problem, or at least development of the current Creator and Graphene may slow down. So, to demonstrate my faith in GS I renewed.
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
Check out our other GameSalad exclusives.
Great idea!
great alternative!!
this will allow more people into gamesalad Pro,
this price let more people afford it.
Cool, Nip in for a month or two when you have finally finished your game and enjoy the benefits of pro to get you up and running.

One of the reasons I haven't gone pro is because of the time its taking to produce my game. This way I can choose when I want to publish, without taking the risk of a full payment on the off chance I will be ready before it expires.
In real money that's only £19.41p
That looks like gibberish, not even considered a world currency.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Maybe I read it wrong, but it doesn't allow you to pay month by month when you want, you are committed to a full 12 months, but instead of paying all upfront, you make monthly payments for the year. Don't want you getting confused and wasting your hard earned cash.
Yup your right @Bad wolf Guy I read it wrong, still its better than one big lump sum of £200.20p @lovejoy
I love it!!!!
Lots of people gonna love this!
I figured this was coming after the poll on the last GameSalad meet up, and this is actual a good reason of more people to join those because they have polls on there asking question that could become reality.
Good move well done
@dgackey - correct me if I'm wrong, please.
What this offers is a month to month plan for Pro. If you are not currently a Pro user, you must sign up for the full year, paying the $30 a month for 12 months instead of forking over the $300 up front. After you have been a Pro member for a year, you can then go by a month to month basis, not committed to another full year of Pro.
And if you are currently a Pro user, once your plan runs out, you can also go month to month without having a commitment to another full year of Pro.
@SlickZero no, if you pay monthly you still commited for 12 months and end up paying USD 348 compared to USD 299 if you pay all in one go.
Let me get this straight. In order to get the monthly subscription, I must first fork out $348 and then a year later I'm eligible for monthly payment?
Not quite! Think of it as a minimum amount of 12 monthly payments. You're going to get at least a year's worth of PRO membership regardless of which option you choose, but you now have the option to pay every month instead of all up front for the year.
That is pretty darn disappointing
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
I see. May I know what happens if during the minimum monthly subscription my card being cancelled or there's no more money in the bank? The subscription will be terminated and then I don't have to pay the rest of the months?