Living off your GS game sales?
I just wondered if any of the GS creators have been successful enough in profit with their game(s) where they could create games full time?
I read the whole Alpine Crawler thread and the "you can't make successful games with GS" comment stood out for me.
I read the whole Alpine Crawler thread and the "you can't make successful games with GS" comment stood out for me.
Its very hard to make it even with a great game there's still a chance you wont make a lot of cash.
We made Jungle Bug (2 months) and Bloody Fingers (2 days) guess which one has sold more?
Crazy place the app store but if you do make it high into the charts you will make a lot and i mean a lot of cash.
The games actually make more than the job so that is nice!
My current game is taking two months - so it will probably flop!
I think it's Danger Cats! and Stunt Squirrels (What about Stunt Squirrels HD)?
My first 2 games sold for $50 in 5 days
This allows me to save data to the file system.
I wrote my own DRM system in Flash and use a company called Plimus to handle credit card transactions.
Only problem is i guess it depends on what a person considers "living off of"
That would have been amazing 15 years ago when i lived with buddies in an apartment in the city but, unfortunately 20k isn't gonna pay the mortgage and the power bill now. specially with a couple kids in teh mix.
I would love to do this full time, and I honestly think I could, but I'm in college still and would like to get my degree and get some actual work experience with a company (until I realize I want to work from home all the time
When I was at college/uni all I did was PLAY games and write about them - I couldn't even *dream* of making my own - let alone financing my wanton exploits 'on campus' by making money from them!
Kudos to you, mate! You'll have no trouble getting a job in the games industry, if that's what you want to eventually do
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I've seen your video of it, and it is looking very nice
As an aside, despite having not broken even on quizicards, I'm sure you've made some money from helping out this community that you otherwise wouldn't have if you'd not started on GS?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I hope to evolve with GS and eventually get some great titles out there of my own... Dragon fire is so close now, 14 levels, 3 mini games, power ups, the lot... Now it's just tweaking and testing, but there is SO much more I could add...
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
We are using the same model (flash + mprojector) for our new game. How has your experience been with your releases on mprojector. Any issues with buyers/portals?
I understand from your comments that you have not approached portals like Big Fish but have chosen to sell your games you do that through your website only or use any other distribution channel?
What kind of advertisement/promotion do you do for your games.
These surely are a lot of questions but any pointers/download stats/conversion rates etc. from a experienced developer like you will be great for indies like us.
As for me, I could've made a living off of my (non gamesalad) apps the past two years, but chose not to as too much of the app income was based off of two apps. It wasn't diverse enough with a mortgage and family to take care of.