Free Advert and link on AppTrawler
Hi Guys,
I am looking after AppTrawler whilst my friend is on Holiday so I might as well give it a refresh.
I want to replace a lot of the button adverts with the latest and greatest the Gamesalad community has to offer... coz I love you...
Send me a 85px x 85px button and a link to your game and I will add them to the site.
What I would ask for in return is a twitter follow - and a tweet directed at the site...
If you don't have a twitter account, shame on you!
Also if you game is out 'now' or soon send me over a press release and the image pack and I will get it featured on the site...
send it to info (at) apptrawler (dot) com
Have a good weekend
I am looking after AppTrawler whilst my friend is on Holiday so I might as well give it a refresh.
I want to replace a lot of the button adverts with the latest and greatest the Gamesalad community has to offer... coz I love you...
Send me a 85px x 85px button and a link to your game and I will add them to the site.
What I would ask for in return is a twitter follow - and a tweet directed at the site...
If you don't have a twitter account, shame on you!
Also if you game is out 'now' or soon send me over a press release and the image pack and I will get it featured on the site...
send it to info (at) apptrawler (dot) com
Have a good weekend
Nesen Probe
Tickle Stones
Food Fight! (free)
thank you
emailed you and following. Thanks! What can we do for you? John
Great stuff, thanks. Have followed and emailed the button
Thanks Loads!!
Marc n Soph