AIR SOCCER - Sneak Peek Video
Hi There!
Here's a sneak peek of our second game made with Gamesalad:
Air Soccer for iPhone and iPod touch.
It's just like an Air Hockey game, but with a soccer theme, as you can see in the video.
We've submitted the binary a week ago, so we're expecting to have the game in the App Store by tomorrow or sunday.
We hope you enjoy...
Here's a sneak peek of our second game made with Gamesalad:
Air Soccer for iPhone and iPod touch.
It's just like an Air Hockey game, but with a soccer theme, as you can see in the video.
We've submitted the binary a week ago, so we're expecting to have the game in the App Store by tomorrow or sunday.
We hope you enjoy...

Very well made! Do you have most of that on 1 scene? Voted 199¢... ;-)
In fact we've done with only 3 scenes: Intro, Options and Game.
All buttons and backgrounds are spawned "outside the screen" and we show / hide them with boolean attributes.
bad the world cup ends last week...
Initially, the game was called Air Soccer World Cup and we intended to launch it 2 weeks ago. We had some copyright problems and some change had to be done. The term "World Cup" is a FIFA's trademark.
But as Soccer is always a blockbuster sport all over the world, we still believe it'll have a good sales performance.