After a LOT of hard work, designing, testing, more testing, more testing... my first game has been submitted for review! Here are a few shots from the 1.0 binary. Enjoy!
Joystick? Wash your mouth out! There is no joystick! Only a fire button I didn't want any high res stuff in this game... totally retor... even the controls.... I think it would detract too much from the style.
And the reason some pixels are HUGE and others not so much is that in all these older games thay had to scale sprites up as higher resolution ones were too much for the poor little 8 Bit processors... hence massive, chunky bosses and backgrounds. I'm trying to make it really feel like a retro game, not a game with a retro feel... wow, that's deep.... my new slogan!
I just had a closer look at the pics... you're right... pixel sizes for the BGs are a bit different... level three is much chunkier than one and five there... something to think about for the update or sequel! Cheers
It's looking sharp! Congrats on reaching ... Er "this stage of the game"
What to price is a tough issue. When I finish my game, it'll be a 99, at least at first May add more features later
People on the app store whine a lot about various apps being too high priced... When only a couple years ago games cost 3 to 10 times this much ( I forget though, some of these kids weren't born yet!
Hehe, welcome to GS anyway... warning, though... it's TOTALLY addictive! I spend more time writing games than working, sleeping or playing games put together!
i usually spend my time working or training in jujitsu, and playing video games in my spare time, but lately ive been spending most my time working on my first game, so i can understand how its totally addictive lol.
muay thai, nice!!, i do a bit of that and boxing on the side, but bjj takes over everything , well except gamesalad... thats pretty much consuming all my time, i have no idea what im doing but it seems to be comming together.
Now I'm gonna relax for a bit before getting into some hardcore marketing next week! I can not let this flop! LOL.
I like the pixel size difference in the first pic. Background pixels huge, moving stuff big.
This seems to be logical but the mix in other pics looks a bit odd. Of course, when it is moving it may be different again.
Did you try the joystick to be 'proper' hi res?
In my imagination I think it may add contrast to the game.
I would also be tempted to make small elements a higher res; bullets and points.
My 2 Cents
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
And the reason some pixels are HUGE and others not so much is that in all these older games thay had to scale sprites up as higher resolution ones were too much for the poor little 8 Bit processors... hence massive, chunky bosses and backgrounds. I'm trying to make it really feel like a retro game, not a game with a retro feel... wow, that's deep.... my new slogan!
Nostalgia's not what it used to be...
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Mouth washed out.
I do like it.
What to price is a tough issue. When I finish my game, it'll be a 99, at least at first
May add more features later
People on the app store whine a lot about various apps being too high priced... When only a couple years ago games cost 3 to 10 times this much ( I forget though, some of these kids weren't born yet!
I think having an introductory price of $.99 and then raising the price X number of days later could be the way to go.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Just utterly brilliant! Nice one, mate!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Does that count?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...