Why will my GameSalad not display .png images?
I don't really understand. .jpeg Images have a fill-in where .png do not and it creates an unneeded border. Please help!
I don't really understand. .jpeg Images have a fill-in where .png do not and it creates an unneeded border. Please help!
Hi the two formats you mention are totally different.
Quite simply:
jpeg is basically a photo file format, so is a solid image just like a photo and has a background which is usually white.
png can have (not always ) an alpha channel which is transparent so the background is clear like a negative film.
This is a very simple explanation but I hope it helps.
Thanks for the answer! But, I am wondering why my .png images will not appear.
What process are you using to try and display them in creator?
Anything. Even just placing them on the screen
Is it just showing a blank box, and are you creating the images inside actors?
Have you tried viewing on the preview page too?
Here are some screen shots: https://thoseguysgamereviews.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/screenshot.png?w=300&h=206
That is odd I just tried myself and it automatically puts it in as an actor it takes a few seconds to show up on the preview screen on mine but I've a slow processor.
@tatiang may be able to help or another moderator.
I see you're using the Windows version. If you're using the latest stable build there are some problems. See this forum post for some solutions: http://forums.gamesalad.com/discussion/59247/windows-creator-first-stop-if-you-experience-unexpected-behaviours
My actors were also disappearing after I placed them. Different countries officially designate different symbols for the decimal mark so GameSalad saw an actor placed at X coordinates 1000 as 1,000 (not 1.000 like the system expects). If that's your problem the solution is in the forum post (and more).
Thanks @vafurlogi I tried a search myself but couldn't find a relevant thread.
@varfulogi Can you send me your email so I can email you a video?
If you want you can send me an email through the link below. I'll see if I can figure it out for you.
@RabidParrot Did you get the Email?
Are you typing in the .png yourself?
I didn't get anything. I even checked my spam folder.
@jdlcrater No I am not.
What image making program are you using?
@RabidParrot I just resent it to your [email protected] Email
@jdlcrater I am using PixelArt: http://makepixelart.com/free/#
What do they get saved as(.png or .jpeg)?
@jdlcrater They are saved as .png's
Hmm. Interesting. Do you open the actor tab in the "Attributes" tab and load the actor's image there?
No, I open it normally, Place it on the actor, place the actor, enter preview and it doesn't appear.
Maybe your creator needs to rest or be restarted(this has happened to me with a ground that wouldn't stop the actor from falling). I have done what you have and it works just fine for me. What version of the creator are you running?
@jdlcrater How do I tell?
In the creator click "Help" up in the left hand, then click the "About" button. It should say 0.10.5 or something like that.
@jdlcrater Oh, it says 0.10.5
Ok Guys, my friend showed me how to fix it. Rename The Image and reopen it in GameSalad. All my images were called stuff like 283462376.png.png, So the title was 283462376.png, Which GameSalad for some reason is confused by. Thanks for the help though!
My .png images would always appear, but it still creates that unneeded border around them as if they had an actual background, thus making the collision and destroy behaviors not work as accurately as I would like. Are you having this problem too?
Nope, But I haven't used GameSalad in a while.
Can you attach a PNG that doesn't work here for us to look at?