Waiting For Review Hell

Koda89Koda89 Member Posts: 275
So, this has got to be the longest any of my games have been in the Waiting For Review stage, but Geometrix is just sitting there waiting for a review. It has been about 3 days since I last uploaded the final binary.

3 days has been the average length from submission to being place on the App Store for me.....


  • BeyondtheTechBeyondtheTech Member Posts: 809
    Mine was similar, I waited 4.5 days as it sat in "Waiting for Review" and then it skyrocketed it into "Ready for Sale." Looks like these App Store Reviewers aren't properly updating the status, which makes the whole process more painful for us and pointless to even have a status system.
  • KhakionionKhakionion Member Posts: 48
    I, too, have submitted a couple of apps: one GameSalad iPhone game on Monday, and one Cocoa iPad app on Sunday night. Neither have made it past "Waiting For Review."

    Erica Sadun of TUAW tweeted that she's having problems, too. Also note that Apple hasn't updated their App Store Review Status numbers since the end of June.

    I would venture a guess that Apple's systems are delayed internally for some reason, since there seems to be no pattern as to who in particular is getting delayed.
  • BarkBarkCoBarkBarkCo Member Posts: 1,400
    @Khakionion, Just wondering... Was the GS game another official GS release, or a personal project?
  • KhakionionKhakionion Member Posts: 48
    quoth barkbark00:
    @Khakionion, Just wondering... Was the GS game another official GS release, or a personal project?

    Both are personal work, mainly as a means to getting better acquainted with iTunes Connect features.
  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    My latest was 8.5 days waiting... just a couple weeks ago.


    Nesen Probe http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nesen-probe/id377766693?mt=8
    Tickle Stones http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tickle-stones/id363484260?mt=8
Food Fight! (free) http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/food-fight/id352646643?mt=8
  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    Hey Khakionion, can you give us an update on the bugs in .8.8? Will there be another update really soon?
  • BeyondtheTechBeyondtheTech Member Posts: 809
    xSlamGx said:
    I'm waiting for review 7 days already. Now it's the 8th day and still not in review...

    I took the stupid liberty of rejecting the binary myself and resubmitting it, hoping it will get better attention. Nope. I suffered the the same 4-day wait in "Waiting for Review." Don't pull it back yet.

    Apple really does still act like a startup company. My review went in around the same time as the iPhone 4 announcement, and it sat there. I think they really have the resources all used up right now and could use some expansion.
  • BarkBarkCoBarkBarkCo Member Posts: 1,400
    BeyondtheTech said:Apple really does still act like a startup company.
    Is that a Gendai dig?! hehe...
  • KhakionionKhakionion Member Posts: 48
    BeyondtheTech said:
    ...rejecting the binary myself and resubmitting it, hoping it will get better attention...
    Yeah, definitely don't do that. That puts you right back at the end of the review queue, according to the iTunes Connect guide.
  • MattVolletMattVollet Member Posts: 86
    Khakionion said:
    Yeah, definitely don't do that. That puts you right back at the end of the review queue, according to the iTunes Connect guide.

    Agreed. Bad Idea. I've found that sometimes sending over an e-mail to the team will yield an explanation of the delay. In fact, my latest app through xCode was 9 days until going into review and then 8 days until approval. On the 7th day of not being approved I sent over an e-mail asking the status and then it was approved not 12 hours later. Could be a coincidence.. but hey, sometimes the stubborn horse just needs a little kick;)
  • JamesZeppelinJamesZeppelin Member Posts: 1,927
    Yeah, in the last month I have submitted two new apps and two updates all four took 7-8 days

    Once in review all 4 approved within hours.

    I'm guessing they are behind and just slamming crap out as fast as possible
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    How do they "review" the games? Does someone have to play through the entire thing? Also, I've submitted it with support for five languages... does it need to be reviewed in every language? Could take forever!
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    I'm sure someone does. Like maybe the people who do it.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    You guys are impatiant! Back before Christmas a 14 day wait was good!
  • BarkBarkCoBarkBarkCo Member Posts: 1,400

    I had a friend in college that interned with Apple and was trained in the art of reviewing apps. Although he never actually reviewed apps while he was there, the training was quite extensive. Here is what I got from him:

    STEP 1
    Review assigned apps in queue from iTunes Connect admin account. New apps are prioritized by package size, so smaller apps actually get processed first. Updates are prioritized by popularity of the initial/previous release.

    STEP 2
    Acquire original app binary from iTunes Connect admin portal. <- This is why large files are lower priority...

    STEP 3
    Run automated diagnostic scripts to validate the app's internal stability/integrity. At this point, all text, image and audio resources are extracted and processed through an in-house search function that flags possible copyright infractions. Obviously, having many localizations makes this a much longer process...

    STEP 4
    Manually process all views (we call 'em scenes) within the app, paying special attention to graphic resources, external links, in-app text, audio files while checking for HIG (Human Interface Guidelines) compliance.

    STEP 5
    Fail app for no good reason...

    Yep, pretty much every app stops at STEP 5 at least once.

    *Yes, I am pulling your leg. I know no one from Apple and this was all a product of my imagination. Sorry. ;-)
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    You bastard... had me going! Hahaha.
  • Koda89Koda89 Member Posts: 275
    Well finally Geometrix moved to In Review. One down, one to go. :P
  • jonbeebejonbeebe Member Posts: 49
    My first game 'Doodle Dash!' (posted a couple videos in the forum if you do a search) has been in 'Waiting for Review' status since the 16th (5 days ago) since I last submitted the final binary. I actually had it in since the 14th, but I found some changes so I rejected it myself and re-submit on the 16th.

    It's been a rough 5 days... hopefully it'll go 'In Review' very soon.
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    I don't think it should matter. Takes about a week in waiting for review anyway ;)
  • jonbeebejonbeebe Member Posts: 49
    Well my game finally made it to 'In Review' today... I submitted the final binary on the 16th so this would make it the 7th day... Hopefully I'm like JamesZ up there and will get approved within hours (well, it's already been a few but hopefully not too much more).

    @Predadors: That's strange how they'll change your status to 'In Review', but does it really affect the overall time? I wouldn't think so...
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    Apparently they do expedite it if you ask. I was thinking about doing it but couldn't come up with a good reason to give them. LOL.
  • BarkBarkCoBarkBarkCo Member Posts: 1,400
    I cited "time sensitive release" when I asked for my app to be expedited...spent 2 days in waiting for review and went into review earlier today. What are the usual review times?
  • KhakionionKhakionion Member Posts: 48
    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention mine (the native app) finally went "In Review" after an eight day wait. It was only in review for a few hours before it was approved. I sent an email about, say, five days into the wait, and they responded with an email basically saying I had to keep waiting :)

    Oh well, hopefully this was a hiccup in their internal processes, maybe related to requiring Application Loader.
  • jonbeebejonbeebe Member Posts: 49
    I'd like to say mine got approved within hours 'In Review' but it just went there this morning and now at 6:28pm, I'm thinking it's not going to happen today. I'll post exactly when it happens... Anyone know if they ever mark it 'Ready For Sale' on Saturdays and Sundays?

    I hope so...
  • BarkBarkCoBarkBarkCo Member Posts: 1,400
    Waiting for Review, Jul 21@21:42
    - Sent Expedite Request, Jul 23@10:30
    In Review, Jul 23@12:27
    Ready for Sale, Jul 23@17:35

    Now I'm just waiting for my app to become available in the US...
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    I just sent an expedite request... time will tell...
  • synthesissynthesis Member Posts: 1,693
    Careful not to abuse the expedited requests...otherwise...when you actually need it (for a major bug fix or something)...they won't give it to you if you consistently ask for it.
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    I've only asked once and it was because this game has been a nightmare to sort out... all fixed now though and I REALLY want it in the store.
  • FranzKellerFranzKeller Member Posts: 517
    I can't get past "Prepare To Upload" - what does that mean?

    (I'm learning an entire new vocabulary of jargon here. ;-)
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    Basseman said:
    Growing tired of waiting to be reviewed....
    I submitted my app the 19th, and it's STILL in waiting for review-mode..

    Send an expedite request to [email protected]. That's what I did. You can't do it too often, though...

    Now I'm in waiting for review hell again with my update! GRRRR!
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