SDK termnal
I've been trying to set up my apps on Android for almost 2 days. I downloaded the SDK manger he said to download in the video. In Finder I don't have a folder that says "sdk" and therefore I can't pull up the Termnal to make my "Keystore" or make my "Android Package Name" he keeps talking about (sdk > tools > android) I don't know if I didn't download a file or if this video is super out of date. This is getting very frustrating.. I'm not sure if there's something I'm not seeing or if this video is out of date. Please help
you terminal is the black box titled 'Android'. Double click on this to bring up the SDK download manager.
Just make a folder titled SDK and drag your download in there, then go to tools >android(this is what you double click on) and download there.
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@jigglybean I made the "sdk" folder in my Finder. I dragged the Android SDK Manger in the "sdk" folder I made. Nothing happened. I tried to click & drag the "tools" folder in the Android SDK Manger itself but it won't let me click & drag anything from the Android SDK Manger. The only thing I could have dragged in the "sdk" folder I made in the Finder was the Android SDK Manger itself.
Ok, so how do you have the Android SDK Manager open? Thats what he is talking about. So find where this is and just go from there. If it still won't work, uninstall everything you downloaded then start over by either making your own SDK folder(probably easiest) and then place the Android SDK in there to start over.
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@jigglybean thanks ! Will try that & give you feedback