Ok, so what's the potential revenue from iAds? do I make the jump to Pro?
Rightee O then...
iAds available for Pro's, fair enough.
Now is it worth the jump for me personally?
Does anyone know the sort of payments earned from iAds,
I've got my game 'Quake Builder Lite', which gets a solid 550 downloads a day....
If it had iAds what could I expect to get? I could make my lite version have iAds, then if they complete the game add a link to the paid version of Quake Builder. Which would be advert free.
Will also do an update at the same time making it iOS4 friendly, retina display graphics, and also update other bits of the game. Maybe change the birds for something less cheeky...also fix how multi-touch blocks are used. Maybe add more levels too... so its not just an update with adverts but giving people more game too.
What do you reckon? do it and pay for Pro or skip it...
iAds available for Pro's, fair enough.
Now is it worth the jump for me personally?
Does anyone know the sort of payments earned from iAds,
I've got my game 'Quake Builder Lite', which gets a solid 550 downloads a day....
If it had iAds what could I expect to get? I could make my lite version have iAds, then if they complete the game add a link to the paid version of Quake Builder. Which would be advert free.
Will also do an update at the same time making it iOS4 friendly, retina display graphics, and also update other bits of the game. Maybe change the birds for something less cheeky...also fix how multi-touch blocks are used. Maybe add more levels too... so its not just an update with adverts but giving people more game too.
What do you reckon? do it and pay for Pro or skip it...
Im not bashing GameSalad because i love it and what they are doing is brilliant but there are rival products that offer a full tool set and i can only imagine this is the future and there will be many more coming out with drag and drop, if they dont get their pricing model correct i fear they could loose out.
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$1999 for 12 months is basically $167 per month.
Could I make more than $167 per month with iAd games. I think so. I saw almost that much with an Android game that I created. The advertisements weren't nearly as impressive as iAds and I think my iTunes games could be more popular.
However, there is an issue of fill rate. It would be awful to spend $1999, only to have Apple display blank ads. That's what's happening with Photics: Revisions "lite" on iTunes. Even though the test ads displayed for me, real ads are not being displayed.
+ You could add hyperlinks to promote other games
+ You could build your brand with custom load screens
+ Free games will likely see more downloads than paid games
- Poor Fill rate
- expensive loss if the project fails
- iAds is a novelty now, click rates could fall dramatically
I would agree that this program is no way near ready to be charging 2k a year for. It's to buggy and is lacking in many areas the biggest being documentation.
There are numerous other more well polished development tools out there for a lot less that actually are out of beta and have the proper documentation.
I thought all the other competition were either trickier to use i.e. need some coding knowledge, or were also expensive from the start without the software being free to use, and then only $99 for the standard membership.
I feel 2k is pricey but I ponied up.
Having been in the computer industry for a while though a pricey software investment is nothing new.
It has been worth it so Far
After initial releases my games like many others went down to nearly nothing.
I tried lite. Even with sustained downloads of the free no one would upgrade since they would have to close the app and then search the app store.
Once I upgraded I started seeing my apps with kites startbto get 10 or so sales a day.
Now with a couple games having lites I see those averages remaining.
I don't have anything raking I. A thousand a day but the URL forwarding has allowed me to make a fair daily average and has more than paid for the 2k and my initial investment of a Mac mini.
I also realized most of my early apps sucked. I don't plan to aid them up even though the icons drew many sales.
For the sake of self I have deleted the majority of my crap
I do plan to iad up doodle monster though as it's an "ok" game with over 500k in downloads.
Time will tell if iads justifies pro but URL forwarding has
Add android is another 1.2k
Gs is hardly unity but it's simplicity is great.
I have and use unity. It is not easy. I have spent days animating ONE character alone.
Teams sound months on a simple sidescroller.
This thread was never meant to be a 'pro is too expensive' thing, the price is what it is. Just want to know if people think i could get some profit from going pro and utilising iAds. Damn it's annoying typing iAds on an iPhone, oh no wait easier second time.
I seriously thought about taking the plunge today. I designed a game specifically for the purpose of iAds. But after seeing what happened with my Xcode app, I think it would be reckless to spend $1999. I simply do not know if I will see enough money with iAds.
The other features of Pro are starting to look impressive... by themselves, the features aren't so great. But together, they might make some serious revenue.
On a serious note though completely aside from aids, your games are good enough in my opinion it makes sense. I would think you would make your money back within a month or two. Easily. Then it's downhillnfrom there.
Lite version opinion are somewhat skewed. Many make a lite of a crappy game and say lites don't work. Well maybe the lite was just not compelling.
I have tried plenty lites and upgraded. Angry birds was one of them. I couldn't stop.
Be creative. If quake builder lite loses momentum delete it and release quake builder free two weeks later.
After 5 levels auto send them right to the app store. They won't be to irritated. They played to level 5 so they already like the game. They just need some "encouragement" to part with that .99.
Pro opens some doors it's up to the user to put them to use.
In my opinion yes it's too pricey but like I said in my previous post. It's worth it if you use it right.
Most of the whining (not all, mostly just sparking of the teens that are use to torrenting 2k adobe software) just don't have much experience running a business and just don't see the value in the marketing potential
Again not even talking about aids. Lol
Some very insightful writing. Really want and probably will take the plunge soon...
Will tinker with Quake Builder, improve it to the point that I actually like it again (got bored of it after 4 months work)...
Then will re-look at how iAds are doing, and maybe take the plunge purely for URL forwarding.
Also are you suggesting that teens don't see the marketing potential in Aids, and not just Aids but full blown HIV...