Hahah yeah but who knows when the section is going to go away so you better hurry! Just kidding- don't rush now on a game that you worked so hard on, but do try to et it on before the retro section goes. I say your game is gonna get featured, and I called it first!!!
Not really like that. Go to the itunes store and you'll see what I mean. Its huge banner at the top saying "RETRO GAMES" with a cool retro design. And then when you click it theres a big list of retro and retro reloaded games.
It's been there for about 3-4 days now, im assuming it's a summer thing. I dont see it going away any time soon, it'll most likely in my opinion stay for about 2-4 weeks when they make a new major change to the format of the app store, but I really can't make any promises
You app will definitely get feature on Retro Games section!! How dare you say you are a bad artist?? That's insulting lol I will check totally buy it once it's released. Are you making both iPad and iPhone version?
I may do an iPad version... probably won't bother with native res iPhone 4 though as it's meant to look chunky anyway... iPad version depends on sales... I'm thinking of doing an Android port if Google let me be a beta tester for App Inventor... and of course if App Inventor is up to the task!
POLYGAMe said: Cheers! I hope I DO make the retro store!
I may do an iPad version... probably won't bother with native res iPhone 4 though as it's meant to look chunky anyway... iPad version depends on sales... I'm thinking of doing an Android port if Google let me be a beta tester for App Inventor... and of course if App Inventor is up to the task!
That's the thing, isn't it?
If you already have the art assets/music etc then why *not* port it?
Just be sure to have a bit on your website with all the different platform screenshots, like they did on the back of arcade port boxes for home machines.
The Spectrum version always seemed to look the worst in those shots, but my god the games always played better!
Actually, I had a C64 and, despite the lower colours, I Always wanted to play the Speccy versions because the gfx were always more faithful to the coin op versions... ThunderBlade, Chase HQ... beautiful looking on Speccy! But the C64 had the wonderful SID chip!!! And colours
sloth452 said: Looking cool man i'me making a game with pixel art love the 8bit style so cool. really really good
Thanks! I decided I'm not much of an artist but I could probably pull off this stuff as it's only a few pixels to get me into trouble... keeping within my comfort zone
And in my opinion I love the artwork!
Well done sir and may it make you pots of cash!
How dare you say you are a bad artist?? That's insulting
I will check totally buy it once it's released.
Are you making both iPad and iPhone version?
I may do an iPad version... probably won't bother with native res iPhone 4 though as it's meant to look chunky anyway... iPad version depends on sales... I'm thinking of doing an Android port if Google let me be a beta tester for App Inventor... and of course if App Inventor is up to the task!
for the meantime can you take a look at my application?
I'm pretty sure that not all promo codes are used.
If you already have the art assets/music etc then why *not* port it?
Just be sure to have a bit on your website with all the different platform screenshots, like they did on the back of arcade port boxes for home machines.
The Spectrum version always seemed to look the worst in those shots, but my god the games always played better!
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Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io