More of an opinion question rather than specific coding
I'm very much in my rookie season with GS, and with the help of excellent members such as @tatiang , I'm pumped to really delve further into learning what I can do with my ideas.
Since I'm just learning the basics, the question I have is this;
When building a game, is it easier/wiser to add on features to a basic game, or try to build the whole enchilada from the beginning? And by features I mean inApp purchases and turn based online play?
Not that I know how to do any of the features I just mentioned, yet. I was just curious if you guys add on, or start fresh.
Not sure what you really mean. If you've already started your game, your always adding onto that project. I usually add IAP last in my projects. Turn based is not easy to do. If you're doing turned based multiplier, you need to code your game around that instead of deciding to add it to a preexisting project.
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@Braydon_SFX I don't really have a specific in mind for myself, but as I'm working on my project, I can see where ideas can pop up. I was wondering if you guys come upon things like that where you say"oh, it would be cool if......".
I guess one example would be Dice with Buddies. It got me thinking if the developer started with a game of Farkle and then thought how cool it would be to buy bonus rolls, or play with friends, etc...
It made me wonder if it makes it more difficult to add on, and have to insert code to do things like ask for bonus rolls, buy coins, or look to see if the other person rolled, etc... Or just start from "scratch" . Kind of like patch work vs tearing down and rebuilding.
I guess it all depends on the game. I've asked myself whether or not I should start a project over or just add onto the current one. 9 out of 10 times I stick to updating a project because I have a good base to build up from. Where as if you start a new project you have to start over completely. You will have to write all the logic again which is valuable time that could be spent elsewhere.
I updated my "Stop it or pop it" game. The game was close to 40mb. But this was ridiculous for the small amount of gameplay the app had. In addition, the gameplay was confusing. I made a new project. It had a substantially smaller file size. I made the gameplay more simple. This is the one time I started a project over. Just my opinion.
@RabidParrot thanks. From what it sounds like, it depends on variables such as the game, amount and kinds of updates, etc