Do actors inside a HUD collide with scrollable actors?
Actors in the HUD layer which is Non-Scrollable can't and won't collide with actors that are in a different layer that is Scrollable.
So in my shooting game, I have the gun crosshairs permanently stuck in the middle of the camera so when I aim around, it's just the background and all others move.
To simulate the bullet out of the gun, I made it where the bullet spawns from the middle of the crosshairs and it's supposed to make contact with another actor but it's not.
Best Answer
mhedges Raised on VCS Posts: 634
@Dell Agarpo, I don't know if the layers are involved or not, but I do believe that there may be an issue with the size of the actor; that is, although the size of the image is changing, I don't know if the actual size of the actor changes. Anyone else want to chime in?
Anything outside of the HUD layer is making contact with each other regardless of size, so not sure what size got to do with the problem.