either/or statement?
hey, im new to gamesalad
im currently are in progress making a really simple game for my first experiment with gamesalad on windows
however i cant seem to find "or"/"either" statement inside the "do"
how can i make the same actor spawn either of actor at random time?
e.g; after random(5,7)second "currentActor" , spawn either "actorA" or "actorB"
by first adding interger atribute to the actor and i make it to "1".
e.g if self."myattributename" = 1
"do" change attribute to random(2,3)
e.g if attribute value is "2" spawn "this" else spawn "that"
still, i dont know if this is the best way as alternative for "either/or" to use for long time.
and i appriciate any help for other more efficient ways to do it.