Z is for Zombie - Coming soon to the App Store!
I'm very happy to announce, and demo my first Game Salad game, Z is for Zombie. I'll be submitting it to the App Store tonight, but I wanted to post a quick demo I made from it. It's only the first level but you'll get the idea. It's been a lot of fun to make it, especially designing and drawing all the artwork. Every single piece of artwork in the game I made, it's basic but I'm proud of it. Now that the core game is complete, I'm working on actually animating some of the actors to give it a little more appeal.
Anyways, give it a play and let me know what you think!
Anyways, give it a play and let me know what you think!
Animations would be great, indeed.
Suggestions: Ability to fire projectiles to the left as well as right, and maybe make the projectiles a little more visible.
A definite submission for the "Scary Challenge of the Month" I'd say
I originally gave you the ability to shoot both forwards and backwards, but I ran into a bug so I pulled it out. If you had a projectile shooting right, and hit left, the first projectile would change course. I'm sure it was just some sloppy rules on my end
Good idea on making them more visible too, I'm going to do that now before I submit it.
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I think the boss fight needs some hit sounds - I didn't know I was damaging him until he disappeared. Also during that fight, you could avoid all of the zombie slugs by just hanging out towards the bottom of the screen.
Aside from running/walking animations, you should definitely add some gruesome (yet hand drawn) death animations - the best part of zombie games is all the meaty gibs without the remorse!
Can't wait to see more!
Thanks for the suggestions - I forgot about the boss hit sounds, I just kept hearing it in my head
I'm working on some 'Popping' effects when the zombies die, but it took so long to draw everything else I didn't want to delay the game any further. I want it to be very gruesome though.
I'm going to address that safe zone now, it shouldn't be there.
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I'd also like to see some animations, but very sparingly, in keeping with the art style.
More development of the boss fight -- a few animations, feedback when the boss gets hit, maybe an even darker atmosphere as you approach the boss -- would really take this to the next level! (In my humble opinion.)
Good luck, look forward to seeing this on the app store!
In my opinion the characters needs to be animated... at the beginning it took me some time to find the start button (the buttons simply don't look very much like buttons... maybee its only me
I really wouldn't hesitate to animate your actors even when you think you are not an animator... you have this nice handdrawn style in your game so noone is expecting a professional "disneylike" animation...
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I've also uploaded the full game, all 3 levels plus the survival mode.
Let me know what you think!
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In the 3rd level, there's a section where zombies are able to come across the top area of the screen, however the player cannot reach that high up, so accuracy is forced down. Also in the last zombie boss fight, the zombie dogs only appear in the lower half of the screen. Lastly, I hear the bosses groan, but I still think you should play a sound everytime you hit them.
I'm very excited to see the final version on the iPhone!
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As a side note, I uploaded the iPhone version, so you have to click with your mouse to fire, spacebar doesn't work. I went to fix it and my VPN back home died
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Quick question: "Toutch"?
I just uploaded a fixed version, spacebar works to fire now
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I wish spellcheck worked when I wrote.
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BTW - great game - really enjoyed it
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
- level 1 boss is animated
- all three bosses show a visual cue when hit
- fixed a bug in level 3 where bad guys were too high too early so they ran though the forest
- fixed a bug in the ending where it showed a white block (maybe iphone only)
- adjusted some spawning rules so there wasn't such a large gap between the last bad guy and the boss
All that's left is to animate the last 3 actors, and do a little more balance testing
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Working on the last two now
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Now it's time for some new features
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