Actor slides through other actors that should destroy it on collision.
I don't know why it won't destroy on collision, perhaps it has to do with the properties of the actors that should kill on collision(the spikes)? I don't know. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Keep in mind I have it set to both destroy the actor and reset the scene on collision yet it does neither of those and it simply slides through it.
I figured out that i'm editing the actor(prototype)'s rules and not the actor(instance)'s rules. I can't figure out how to get to the instance rules though.
I found the instance rules but the actor still slides through the spike.
@stellathefella make sure one of your actors is set to Movable. At least one has to be in order to detect a collision.
Both 1 actor and both actors being moveable does not fix it. I still move right through the spike.
@stellathefella you said you had actors unlocked at one point. Make sure all your rules are in the prototype actor. Delete the actors you have in the scene and replace new ones from the prototypes. That will make sure you have good actors in the scene.
I've fixed the issue doing changing "all" to "any" in the rule box with the collision. I had it set to die if it collides with 2 seperate actors and I had it set to any so that didn't work at all. Thanks for your help, though.