Introducing Parkour Ninja for Fire TV!
Hi guys! I'm releasing my 2nd game to the Amazon Fire TV. Download it Here:
It's a pretty fun game, you control the ninja down this maze like world. You can also buy better ninjas with coins that go faster etc. Here are some screenshots.
It's free so give it a try on your Fire TV! I would also love some feedback and plan to update this fairly regularly
It is also fully controlled by either the d-pad or the joysticks.
★ My Apps | Gamesalad Tutorials : Youtube Channel , Website. ★
Any feedback for me?
★ My Apps | Gamesalad Tutorials : Youtube Channel , Website. ★
Parkour Ninja! Is now FREE on Google Play

★ My Apps | Gamesalad Tutorials : Youtube Channel , Website. ★
Thanks @Unknown User
Any suggestions?
Also for those of you who downloaded I would love your feedback on which device you used etc so I can confirm it works on different screen sizes.
★ My Apps | Gamesalad Tutorials : Youtube Channel , Website. ★
Sorry no Android or Fire TV, but it looks like fun !!
I think you'll get a bunch more feedback if and when you get an iOS version out.
Thanks @socks. Ya, the only problem is I don't make nearly enough money from apps to pay for the $100/year fee to put apps on ios. Hopefully my luck will change!
★ My Apps | Gamesalad Tutorials : Youtube Channel , Website. ★