$150 check for regions
Hey guys, I have a quick question. So right now most of my sales are coming from the US so I will probably hit the 150 mark in the US but what about the regions that only made me $7.00 or some even $2.00? Will they just stay like that and will never receive any check from them unless somehow my sales dramatically go up to reach $150 in that region? Even though I made barely anything from all of those small regions, I would really like a check from them because it really does add up
Maybe the only good thing about all the lawyers in california.
I can't find the damn thread....
Can anyone confirm or slaughter this truth/fallacy?
Puh-lease? ^-^;
:-) If you've reached or surpassed the £150 goal, then quarterly. I think.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
Nesen Probe http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nesen-probe/id377766693?mt=8
Tickle Stones http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tickle-stones/id363484260?mt=8
Food Fight! (free) http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/food-fight/id352646643?mt=8
Just found this, but it seems to be from early 2009 when the threshold was $250
If your proceeds from sales for a given currency/territory for a given month are less than $150 USD, or the equivalent in local currency, we will withhold payment until you accumulate more than $150 USD (or equivalent).
Beginning with August 2009, Payment Advise files will be made available to help you reconcile Financial Reports to payments received. Payment Advise files are only posted if a payment was made for a given currency and are identified by file names ending with "_PYMT.txt".
Note: Beginning with your November 2008 reports, free app downloads will no longer be included in your monthly financial reports. To obtain reports regarding free app downloads, access the Sales/Trend Reports module and download the "Monthly Free" report. The units for free apps, if any, on your November 2008 report should not be relied on as they represent sales for only a portion of the month.
Found that in iTunes Connect Financial reports page.