Jarsigner absent
When I try to sign the android apk, the only file of the three missing is the jarsigner. I just downloaded the latest installer, and its still not there. How do I get the individual jarsigner.exe file from the internet? I can't find the individual file itself on google.
Just search for it on your PC. It will turn up. The latest update on Android moved it.
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I did, lol, the entire disk, and the only jarsigner that turned up is from 7/30/2011, within the folder of some other game engine I tried out a long time ago. I tried to use that yesterday, but my app's apk wouldn't appear after signing.
EDIT: I did a new search after updating with the latest installer. HOPEFULLY, I can do my first real test on my own device now. I've been doing all tests on arcade this entire time.
EDIT2: @jigglybean THANKS, the apps got signed and made actual files now!
Finally played on my android, two of the menu screens work fine, but for some reason the title screen on either version of the game I tested don't work.
Then the main level with gameplay, is just the blue of the background, and some clouds appear, but no other art asset loads. I guess it must be memory issues.
Which means, for low end devices, I'll have to rethink the gameplay graphics, or it might be all the invisible actors on the screen?
Check your rules and image sizes. Too many moving things will slow things down
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Yeah, too many high res, high color index images moving around at high speeds with a high res parallax scrolling background and foreground is the main culprit in why things broke after the menu screens, lol.
I was about to give up, but I managed to get the level working!!! I gradually reduced level size, enemies, graphics on screen, until only the main character still had their sprite, and the ground below them was a giant 2048 pixel default in-game black rectagular actor.
All the gradient filled graphics of the UI stripped away to bare solid color blocks. And even then, the giant block of black for the ground flickers when the character moves around the level, like as if it has problems staying displayed.
I did notice that none of the platformers I downloaded from stores had parallax scrolling backgrounds, I guess I can understand why now.
Now the next step is I'm gonna start slowly adding back things until it breaks again, and then figure out if I should reduce the index of graphics being used drastically{no gradients, large color palletes, and so on}.
If anybody has any advice, much appreciated.
I did notice one of the platform games I downloaded, had the enemies displayed as solid white blocks, and menus not appearing correctly, which might have something to do with device limitations.
The android Im testing on is 480x800 res, with 1000 Mhz CPU and 1024/4086 MB RAM.
search the forums for optimisation tips (spelled Optimization due to mostly US users
) . If you want crisp HD images, everything needs to be divided by 4. So ideally, if your actor/hero is 128x128 pixels, you need to make it 512x512 then reduce the size in the game.
If you are doing animations and scrolling, just search youtube for videos and always include 'how to X using gamesalad'
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@jigglybean Thanks, early on in my GS learning, I relied on youtube vids, but I didn't check their dates, and ended up learning obsolete stuff from 2011/2012, which led to the current de-optimisation problems, lol.