music file
Before i publish my game, Can I use the music version of a famous song on my game? its only the first 2 minutes of the song.
Before i publish my game, Can I use the music version of a famous song on my game? its only the first 2 minutes of the song.
Try it...but i think Apple will reject your app.
I'm not trying Apple because it cost money. Its my first time and I'm trying to put it in a free App Store.
Im trying to save an image to my game before i upload it. But it keeps saying image must be 512x512.
I'm trying to save an image as game icon. The image selected must have the dimensions of 512x512 px or 1024x1024 px. I keep getting this message an its annoying.
Change your image size to 512x512. Or it won't work.
If you have permission then go right ahead. But if you don't, then i would advice against it. Start getting into having good habits, otherwise you are just setting yourself up for the future. Legal problems are not very pretty my friend.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Only the first two minutes ! Lol
. . . . No, of course you can't, the song is the property of the song writer / publisher and the actual recording (known as 'the mechanical') is owned by the record company (and/or the artist).
You can contact the publisher and try and cut a usage deal, but it will be on limited terms, for example for one year, in one territory and for unit sales of less than XXX (and so on), they won't give you a blanket deal where you are free to use the song as you please, they would also have to approve the game too, how you are planning to promote it and so on.
If you were free to use other people's songs in your game how would record companies make any money ? They release track A, you put it in your free iOS game (for example), any one who wants the track, can just download your game, they would have effectively lost control/ownership of the track.
tl;dr Get a good lawyer
Thank you guys!
where can i find some free music files that i can put on my gamesalad?