State of GameSalad on 2-20-2015

ForumNinjaForumNinja Key Master, Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 554
edited February 2015 in GameSalad Kitchen

Hello again all you GameSalad fans! I’ve gathered some info to share with you guys, enjoy!

  1. Graphene SDK (previously known as “Cross platform Creator”). More info will be shared with this topic from CodeWizard periodically. For even more info or to sign up for beta access, refer to this thread:

  2. Release 0.14.0 for the Windows version of GameSalad Creator (previously referred to as release 0.12.0). This release is planned to be the one that gets Windows version of Creator synched up with the Mac version feature wise! This includes all the features we have planned for our 0.14.0 release for Mac as well!

  3. Release 0.13.0 for the Mac version of Creator. We recently put out a new Release Candidate for this build (0.13.4) that included some more fixes. More info is available in this thread:

  4. Release 0.14.0 for the Mac version of Creator. A nightly build was recently put out for this release! Check out this thread for more info:

  5. Nightly build for the Windows version of Creator. We are currently working towards fixing the known issues in the Windows nightly build. For more info and to let us know of any issues you’re having with the Windows nightly build, check out the following thread: and get the build here:

  6. Updated roadmap. I finished updating and posting the roadmap earlier this week! Check it out here:

  7. New marketplace. Work is still being done on this front and I'll let you guys know when I hear some more info.

That’s all I have for you guys. More coming your way next week!


  • LovejoyLovejoy Member Posts: 2,078


    Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una

  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    edited February 2015

    @ForumNinja said:
    6. Updated roadmap. I finished updating and posting the roadmap earlier this week! Check it out here:

    Well, Metrics Gathering Opt Out is not at the bottom, so I supposed that's something of an improvement.

  • LovejoyLovejoy Member Posts: 2,078

    @Photics said:

    It was moved up a few lines to keep you quiet for months. :p

    Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una

  • AlchimiaStudiosAlchimiaStudios Member Posts: 1,069

    @ForumNinja said:

    Updated roadmap. I finished updating and posting the roadmap earlier this week! Check it out here:

    Release 0.14.0 for Mac and Windows

    When these releases come out, Windows version of Creator should be on par with the Mac version feature wise! Some much awaited features will be included in these releases: AdMob integration, PlaysTogether support, the new renderer, and some memory fixes!

    Release 0.15.0 for Mac and Windows

    This release is planned to have bug fixes, a dashboard for the Windows version and possibly even a new dashboard for the Mac version! We also plan on having Windows native binary publishing available in this release as well!

    Sweet, looking forward to 14.0 and 15.0.

    Follow us: Twitter - Website

  • ycanycan Member, PRO Posts: 207

    But without Push Notifications, Playstogether can be useless.

  • scottharrrules43scottharrrules43 Tulsa, OklahomaMember, PRO Posts: 694

    @ycan said:
    But without Push Notifications, Playstogether can be useless.

    You could use email. And get push notifications from it.

  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273

    Great update! And good to finally see the roadmap updated!

  • ycanycan Member, PRO Posts: 207

    @scottharrrules43 said:
    You could use email. And get push notifications from it.

    How ? I didn't understand what you're telling ?

    For example I created a scrabble game ? Every turn do i need to send email instead of notifications ?

  • scottharrrules43scottharrrules43 Tulsa, OklahomaMember, PRO Posts: 694
    edited February 2015

    @ycan said:
    For example I created a scrabble game ? Every turn do i need to send email instead of notifications ?

    Just a work around idea. If you have notifications on for email, you could settup a system to send a email when the person is done with there turn, using the the new network behavior to talk to a server. This is just a very dirty work around. But it will send push notifications to your phone.

    They will probably add push notifications in the full release.

  • bernardoespanolbernardoespanol Member Posts: 6

    You need to get the marketplace fixed.
    I have spent literally hundreds of dollars on assets in other stores in the past few months. After I gave up on the GS marketplace.

    There is no quality control, the asset tags are a broken joke, searching is impossible, opening multiple tabs for items doesn't happen. There is just too much wrong here.

    I started off using GS and the marketplace for its ease and walked away on both fronts. At the very least get your store working so there is a reason for people to spend money here.
    Your last post update on the marketplace was ages ago.
    Here I am once again looking for assets with cash in my account, and after two minutes of trying to use the marketplace I am leaving disgusted. I actually sent some people over to your site to buy assets and every single one of them decided against it. The interface is so bad they thought it was a scam site.

    Why is this still so broken?

  • CodeWizardCodeWizard Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 1,143

    @bernardoespanol We agree! That's why we're rebuilding the GS Marketplace. Read more here:

  • PhilipCCPhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaMember Posts: 1,390

    @ForumNinja said:

    1. Release 0.14.0 for the Windows version of GameSalad Creator (previously referred to as release 0.12.0). This release is planned to be the one that gets Windows version of Creator synched up with the Mac version feature wise! This includes all the features we have planned for our 0.14.0 release for Mac as well!

    Will it include all the bugs in Mac 0.12.xx too? >:)

    ...just kidding, so please don't ban me. :)

  • freneticzfreneticz SwedenMember, PRO Posts: 777

    will admob works on all stores with android

  • HymloeHymloe Member Posts: 1,653

    The build numbering system confuses me. I don't really understand how the build numbers relate. The Nightlies are ahead of the Stable Releases and stuff. Confusing.

  • MarcMySaladMarcMySalad Member Posts: 158
    edited February 2015

    @Hymloe said:
    The build numbering system confuses me. I don't really understand how the build numbers relate. The Nightlies are ahead of the Stable Releases and stuff. Confusing.

    Makes sense to me, build numbers for nightlies are and should be ahead of stable releases since nightlies are newer development builds

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