Release Candidate 0.13.5 - Fire TV and Gamepad Support

BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250

Release Candidate 0.13.5 - Fire TV and Gamepad Support


  • Fixed crashing when loading an app on Android devices running API Level less than 16 (4.1 Jellybean)

  • Fixed Analog Stick negative axis movement (X left, Y up) not registering with gamepads in Creator Preview and Mac Desktop apps.

  • Fixed volume buttons not working in Android apps

  • Fixed X, Y, B, and A button mappings on the Logitech F310 in Creator Preview and Mac Desktop apps.

  • Fixed Player Joystick Connected boolean switching to false when reloading an Android apk

  • Fixed Revmob ads not displaying correctly in iOS 8.1.3

  • Deprioritized the Fire TV Remote. The Fire TV Remote now moves down the player list as other gamepads are connected.

  • Added "Fire TV Remote Supported" as an option to web publishing so you can choose whether or not the FireTV remote is supported in your Fire TV apps.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur if an XBOX 360 Wireless Receiver is unplugged while it occupies players 6 through 8 on the FireTV.

  • Reverted garbage collection fixes for Creator. Memory usage and performance should be the same as 0.12.20.

Known Issues:

  • It is possible that the gamepad you are using is not supported or acts strangely when used in a GameSalad app. Most Android bluetooth gamepads should work. As well as most gamepads that emulate an XBOX 360 controller. Your Mileage May Vary. Additional gamepads may be officially supported in the future.

NOTE: We have partnered with Amazon to make joystick support and publishing on Fire TV available to all non-PRO members for a limited time. PRO members always have access to joystick support and Fire TV publishing.

Report Any Bugs
If you find bugs in the Release Candidate, let us know! We'll be watching the forums, support tickets and bug database for info on this. Once we're all happy with the state of the build then we'll make it stable.

Take a moment to review the "known issues" section of the release notes before reporting any bugs. No need to duplicate reports on what we already know, right?

Thanks for your help!

Go Get It!

See the release notes here:

Download the release candidate here:

Scroll down until you see "Release Candidates



  • scottharrrules43scottharrrules43 Tulsa, OklahomaMember, PRO Posts: 694

    these updates are coming out everyday. Thank you @BlackCloakGS

  • phamtasticphamtastic Member, PRO Posts: 354

    GS is rocking like clock work...
    keep them coming!!!

  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    edited February 2015

    @BlackCloakGS how does the fireTV remote map to the gamepad buttons? I've been looking at the official documentation, and it looks like the selection buttons on the remote map to the Dpad (not the stick), does the center button map to A? I think it should based on the documentation, but I have not tried it yet.

  • QASaladQASalad Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 142

    @jonmulcahy said:
    BlackCloakGS how does the fireTV remote map to the gamepad buttons? I've been looking at the official documentation, and it looks like the selection buttons on the remote map to the Dpad (not the stick), does the center button map to A? I think it should based on the documentation, but I have not tried it yet.

    The outer ring is the D-Pad. Middle button is A. The menu/select button (3 stacked lines) is START.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,380

    My FireTV arrived today, looking forward to testing it out!

    Great seeing all the hard work the GS team put into controllers bearing some tangible fruit! Excellent work, guys(and gals)!

  • phamtasticphamtastic Member, PRO Posts: 354

    With controller implementations, I'm getting a lot of issues with sticky buttons. Meaning, the buttons like A and B are constantly switching to true/false by itself. It seems the controller sensitivity is at question here. Is anyone else experience the same? Is there a known work around?

    This is happening on two different type of controllers I'm using:

    • Logitech Dual Action
    • Sony PS3 DualShock Controller
  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250

    Is this happening on Mac or FireTv?

  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250
    edited February 2015

    weird the a, b, x and y are digital and should not be subject to sensitive issues. The dpad does have a sticky issue that will be fixed in the next build

  • BobDBobD Member, PRO Posts: 374

    How do Ads behave in Amazon Fire TV? Can users select Ads to view?

  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250

    Ads do not work on the FireTv

  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250

    long version since the FireTv does not include a web browser there is no way for the user to click on them. They do show up but the user can't do any thing with them. Amazon does have a ad service that we do not support right now. Feel free to put in a feature request if that is something important to you.

  • BobDBobD Member, PRO Posts: 374

    "Long story short, every Fire TV game published will net you a free month of PRO and there will be some cash prizes randomly awarded as well."

    Is this Amazon Fire TV promotion active ?? How do we apply for the free month of PRO if we submit a Fire TV app?

  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408

    @BlackCloakGS said:
    long version since the FireTv does not include a web browser there is no way for the user to click on them. They do show up but the user can't do any thing with them. Amazon does have a ad service that we do not support right now. Feel free to put in a feature request if that is something important to you.

    how about the networking behaviors, is it technically possible to send and receive table data?

  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250

    I think so it should work. The ads and open url try to launch an external web browser which does not exist on the fire TV. However the network behaviors don't use a web browser so the should work.

  • phamtasticphamtastic Member, PRO Posts: 354

    Just ordered the Amazon Fire TV for development... my wife is going to kill me :neutral:

  • RondoRocketRondoRocket Member Posts: 411

    @phamtastic said:
    Just ordered the Amazon Fire TV for development... my wife is going to kill me :neutral:


  • BobDBobD Member, PRO Posts: 374

    @phamtastic said:
    Just ordered the Amazon Fire TV for development... my wife is going to kill me :neutral:

    Tell her it was on SALE!! and you saved $15

  • phamtasticphamtastic Member, PRO Posts: 354

    @BobD said:

    Actually, I'm thinking it will be my late Valentines present to her :D

  • scottharrrules43scottharrrules43 Tulsa, OklahomaMember, PRO Posts: 694

    @phamtastic said:


    That is a great idea

    This is random and a little off topic but are quotes (for the forms) working for everyone. They aren't working for me lately on my iPhone.

  • BobDBobD Member, PRO Posts: 374

    Got my first app to install on Amazon Fire TV. Runs great when using the Fire TV Remote. When I use the XBox 360 Wireless the app crashes after a playing for about 30 seconds. I only use the "Start" to start app and the "A" button to play. It is a Flappy Bird like game so you are constantly tapping the "A" key.

  • BobDBobD Member, PRO Posts: 374

    @BobD said:
    Got my first app to install on Amazon Fire TV. Runs great when using the Fire TV Remote. When I use the XBox 360 Wireless the app crashes after a playing for about 30 seconds. I only use the "Start" to start app and the "A" button to play. It is a Flappy Bird like game so you are constantly tapping the "A" key.

    Additional information: It crashes with the Fire TV Remote if the XBox 360 Wireless is attached. Removing the XBox 360 Wireless the app works without any problems.

  • BobDBobD Member, PRO Posts: 374

    Got this when I went to build my FireTv App

    GameSalad February 2015 FireTV Promotion Sweepstakes

    GameSalad v0.13.3 lets you support gamepad controls for Amazon Fire TV! And for a limited time, Amazon is making Fire TV publishing free for ALL GameSalad game developers. To celebrate, we'll give away a total of $1,000 to 3 random games published on Fire TV between now and March 30th. In addition, every game published on Amazon Fire TV will net you a free month of PRO, giving you access to publishing on all GameSalad supported platforms and powerful monetization features.

    All entrants will receive a free month of PRO Membership for each valid game entered. Three (3) winners will be chosen at random to receive an additional cash prize:

    First place winner will be awarded $500
    Second place winner will be awarded $300
    Third place winner will be awarded $200
    Click here for Official Rules.

    End Date: March 28, 2015

    To enter your game into the Sweepstakes:

    Build a game for Fire TV. Take advantage of gamepad support and remember you don't have touch events. Here are some tips from Amazon.
    Publish your game to the Amazon App Store.
    Wait for Amazon to approve your game.
    Huzzah! Your game has been accepted by Amazon! Now find your App's ASIN. You can usually find it on the web page for your app in the "Product Details" section.
    Paste the app's ASIN into the input box below and click "Check ASIN"!
    We'll try to verify that your game exists. Once we do, your game's info should show up as well as the "ENTER SWEEPSTAKES" button. If all the information looks correct, click "ENTER SWEEPSTAKES" and you're all set!

  • johnydeejohnydee Member, PRO Posts: 196

    where is the documentation for using a gamepad?

  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250

    we will be writting up tomorrow and it will be released with the stable build. Also the next monthly GameSalad meet up will be all about how to use joysticks.

  • phamtasticphamtastic Member, PRO Posts: 354

    Just made a controller UI for one of my game "Wushu Kung Fu Runner"
    What do you think? Also, do I need to make one for the Amazon Stick Controller as well?

  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408

    @phamtastic said:
    Just made a controller UI for one of my game "Wushu Kung Fu Runner"
    What do you think? Also, do I need to make one for the Amazon Stick Controller as well?

    looks good. I made something similar, but I went a little more generic with my gamepad so I can use it in other ventures. I also make an image for using the remote controls since my game can be controlled with the remote

  • LsampaioiiLsampaioii Member Posts: 6

    I downloaded the 0.13.5 release candidate but publishing to FireTV doesn't seem to be an option when creating a new project and joystick/gamepad choices are not listed under [event receive.] Is there another download I should be making, is this promotion only available to pro users, or am I overlooking something?

  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250
    edited February 2015

    joysticks are not an event they are device attributes. look under the player attribute. Also the viewer will work on the fire FireTv.

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