Gamesalad Ads
in Tech Support
What Ad network that Gamesalad supports has the method of revenue of "Pay Per Click" or "Pay Per Impression".
I know that Android has only Chartboost and RevMob and IOS also has Chatboost, RevMob and PlayHaven.
From all these 3 networks which one has "Pay Per Click" or "Pay Per Impression".
Thank you
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Is it the Banner ads or the full screen Ads?
Full screen interstitial ads. Currently there is no banner ads for Android. But for iOS you can use iAds for your banner ads.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
So for IOS there is banner ads with iAds which are (Pay Per Impression) only for IOS...
and for Android there is only interstitial ads that are (Pay Per Impression). Just for me to be a 110%.
For iOS you can use both, banner ads (iAds) + Interstitial/startup ads (RevMob) for 2 sources of revenue.
For Android, since no banner ads are available yet, you can only use one, which in your case would be Revmob. One source of revenue.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
iAds look ugly IMO. Really degrades the app. Chartboost interstitial is so much more professional.