Hey all.
Dangerous Dave is on the app store, if anyone would like to download and review, please email me for code!!
[email protected]
Thanks loads y'all
Marc n Soph
Dangerous Dave is on the app store, if anyone would like to download and review, please email me for code!!
[email protected]
Thanks loads y'all
Marc n Soph
It's very, very good. I can't get off the first stage, but I like playing it, so you've got a winner there!
Maybe look into how easy it is for Dave to fall off his bike? Seems to happen way too often when I'm playing it!
Congrats though - I like it!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
QS thanks m8, ur a legend. thanks for nice comments!!!
Marc n Soph
Great game. Im really enjoying it...its got a really fun vibe to it.
So who's the real life Dave, and did he have a stunt double? And was that your grandparents you had to scare, to get the animations on the bench? It looks like you had a lot of fun outdoors during the making of the game
The one thing I think it could possibly benefit from, in a future update, would be some more animations for Dave, for when he pulls off a big jump or a crazy move... but apart from that small suggestion, I really like what youve created.
From a technical point of view, do you build Dave and the bike from seperate actors, or is it just one big animated actor?
Dave is Sophs dad, the people on the bench are my mum and dad, and the guy in the bin (yeah, in the bin, you'll find him) is me mate simon. Just filmed him bustin some moves for our next game. "Dave on bike" actor is one anim of 17 pngs, and the "fall off" actor is just one png. Just looks like its at different angles cos we constrained it to player rotation so when it spawns, its at the right angle. There is also another single image actor for the bike.
When crash=1
Destroy dave_on_bike
Spawn Fall_Off_Dave
Spawn Just_Bike
Thanks again m8
Marc n Soph
Downloading now... though I'm not happy about the controls being around the wrong way... joysticks/pads are supposed to be on the left!!!!
LOL. I'll play first before I yell any more... looks awesome
EDIT: Just played it, controls actually work pretty well! Awesome game! Just managed to beat level one under 60 sec... hilarious stuff! Love it!
Will leave a 5 star review for you in the Aussie store.
Also, how did you do the loopable backgrounds? I'm having issues with my scrolling with pictures pulling apart from each other over time (only happens sometimes).
Marc n soph
No worries about the review. It's fun. I was actually planning a game very similar as I LOVED Kikstart 2 but I'm finishing my shooter first and I've got another one I need to do first too...
Marc n Soph