Need Help with Reviews for "Cake and Ice Cream", Promos, Swap Reviews!

butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315

I need a little help with reviews on this application, if anyone would like to swap reviews, please post a link to your app and a promo or email, and I'll contact you or review it!

Thank you so much!



  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Bookmarked for when I eventually get mah damn iPhone 4.

    In Australia so can't use the promo obviously, but will buy it when I EVENTUALLY get my phone. (Australia is forced to wait and wait >:()
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    lol I just tested out the iphone 4 at the Apple store yesterday and wow.... it is spectacular!

    The resolution looks great, it's lightning fast going between menus and searches.. I plan to get one next month :)
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Well lucky youuuuuuuuuuuu :P I can't even see one up close for at least another 3 weeks - might be longer.

    It's OK though - gives me time to sort out my photo ID. ^-^;
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    You'll get yours soon enough! You're going to love it!! Is this your first iphone too? That's pretty cool!
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    It is - I haven't even used one, or an iPod Touch before :( I'm a poor person, most of the time - lol :P

    I also MIGHT be getting an iPad for my birthday this year - it depends how much I can earn between now and Aug 5th, my 21st - if I can scrape $400 together the other $228 I'll get from friends - so cross your fingers for me ^-^;

    An iPhone 4 AND an iPad would really make it a good month ;P
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Ohhh double whammy! Good luck with that, so hard to choose, but you're gonna' love both!
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    peachpellen said:
    An iPhone 4 AND an iPad would really make it a good month ;P

    No S**t! ;)

    Looking forward to your first app, Peach. Though if it doesn't somehow involve a sheep in a bath with a remote boat and a moth called Gary, I'll be a tad disappointed!

    Or sheep riding! That's fun (I've heard!).

    @BB - left you a review btw ;)

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    It would be pretty awesome to get both - I'd have one in each hand! I haven't had any new "toy" in a ludicrously long time.

    My first apps have already been created - I will actually have 5 to release, I believe. ^-^; They wont be great - but each one gets a little bit better.

    Perhaps I could create a game like one of those ones where you ride, feed, look after a horse - but with a sheep.

    They could wash it, pat it, feed it, ride it, race it, etc.

    Gary could be the jockey for part of it - mayhaps?
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    That sounds like the most AWESOME app ever!

    Can I be an unlockable character?

    (side note - I might start putting myself into my games - like Hitchcock! Except I'd be a hidden sheep! YAY!)


    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    @Peach: No joke, the horse one would probably do really well! You have 5 apps ready! Are you submitting them all at once?

    lol You're too funny Quantum, instead of the hidden egg, now it will be the hidden Sheep! :) Can I use your icon in games? :) jk
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    butterbean said:
    lol You're too funny Quantum, instead of the hidden egg, now it will be the hidden Sheep! :) Can I use your icon in games? :) jk

    Why thankyou, and no, you may not use me in your games!!!

    It was done specially for me by my good friend Dan, who's working on my next game with me.

    I love seeing him, because, as he artfully demonstrates below, *this* happens:


    Hugs usually follow! :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    I love your review by the way! Funny the part about licking the iPhone :) Thanks Sheep

    That's the cutest art piece! Really cute Doodled Graphics!

    There are so many artists named "Dan" it is unbelievable!
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Oh good! It posted! Don't you lick your phone???

    Dan seems to be universal for 'artist' :D

    Truth is, we call eachother sheep and penguin now in real life. Much nicer!

    I can't wait to show you what he's done... hopefully he'll have some assets for me mid-July - about the same time I'm *hoping* to release my latest epic ;)

    Anyway - stay on target! Leave reviews for BB's app everyone :D


    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    :) Oh yeah, I forgot what this post was originally for :)

    Can't wait to see your project Sheep! Sounds like you have a lot in order :)
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Sorry - it's a weird hour here. I come and go a lot when I'm tired ^-^;

    @Butterbean - Thanks for the /like on the horse idea :) I will, yes, be submitting at least 5 apps at the same time when I finally get everything tested and my tax info sorted. Should all be done by my 21st; that's the goal, anyway.

    @QS - I will (eventually) create it and you can be an unlockable - although if you don't want to look fat you may need to provide your own graphic; my drawings always end up pretty round. Lol.

    Oh and as to those 5 apps, they are NOT anything special - one is actually like one of yours - I think - I'm not sure; I saw it in the app store while checking out how many you have up! Very impressive. Anyway - yeah - it's a few mini games, kind of like Wario Ware on the NDS, if you're familiar with that? (I love my NDS <3)

    They're getting better however, the 5th one, not yet completed, is the best yet - you'll see ;)

    I'll stop rambling on in your thread now. Sorry :3
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    @Peach: Feel free to ramble on my thread all you want!

    I love my Nintendo DS too, I am a Nintendo Fangirl, and just got an email in fact, from Nintendo today saying I reached "elite" status in Nintendo Club so I get a free Figurine :)

    I LOVE Wario Ware, it is one of my absolute favorite series, and actually love the original Gameboy Advance one.

    I remember when I first played it, I couldn't believe how addicting it was....

    At any rate can't wait to try out your version of Wario Ware! Should be exciting!

    Oh... and if you love the DS... wait till you see the 3DS... I was able to test it at E3, and it was beyond my expectations!
    Can we say Mario Kart in 3D!?
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Hehe, awesome. I'm a poor young woman, so I don't buy new games often. *mumblesr4mumblemumble*

    It was actually WarioWare that inspired me to get into iPhone stuff to begin with, heh ^-^; Never had a GBA sadly, but one day I will check it out :)

    My version will be .... OK :P It was my first game and the update will likely be better, but it's got some funny little things. Highscore = lowest time.

    Grats on the figurine :D

    Oh - and the name Peach - it's a family name ^-^; After Princess Peach. Lol.

    I'd be interested to know how you go financially with so many apps up - but if you'd prefer not to say then I apologize for asking. Purely curious because I plan to release many smaller apps, while my partner is working on a HUGE, complex game. XD
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Oh - and the 3DS - I'd love Mario Kart in 3D. LOVE IT. (You should be able to play against randoms though, not just friend codes - it isn't like there's chat like in Animal Crossing - another great title, by the way :))
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    wanna swap promos and reviews
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Yes, I think for the 3DS peach, that they will be doing a better online system, hopefully! They're really behind when it comes to online gaming! My one gripe on Nintendo...

    That and the fact that you can't transfer any games you've downloaded to another system..... that really sucks :(

    @KIrk: Email sent!
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    I sent you mine
  • chosenonestudioschosenonestudios Member Posts: 1,714
    butterbean said:
    Yes, I think for the 3DS peach, that they will be doing a better online system, hopefully! They're really behind when it comes to online gaming! My one gripe on Nintendo...

    That and the fact that you can't transfer any games you've downloaded to another system..... that really sucks :(

    @KIrk: Email sent!

    Ugh and dont even get me started on graphics!
    peachpellen said:
    I'd be interested to know how you go financially with so many apps up - but if you'd prefer not to say then I apologize for asking. Purely curious because I plan to release many smaller apps, while my partner is working on a HUGE, complex game. XD

    In another thread she said shes made like 10k
  • chosenonestudioschosenonestudios Member Posts: 1,714
    chosenonestudios said:
    Ugh and dont even get me started on graphics!

    Oh realized you were talking about the 3DS... but since you said Nintendo... I'll transfer that post to the Wii instead... Will also transfer your online comment haha :D
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    I left a great review.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    lol ChosenoneStudios :) I agree on the Wii Graphics, I think Super Mario Galaxy looks amazing for being on the Wii, but games like "Epic Mickey" which should be coming out this Fall, would look MUCH better on the PS3 or Xbox yet I think it's Wii Exclusive! Ugh :(

    Sorry Peach, I didn't see your other post regarding sales, and no I don't have a problem sharing!

    At any rate, my sales per day vary, on all my kids apps and such, they don't pull in as many downloads, but alltogether daily, it ranges so much. I can get anywhere from 100 downloads per day up to 200, and with these sales that these big companies have had going on, it's affected my sales, as well as other people's too.

    Some apps fall out of the top 100 then come back in for whatever reason...

    I'm trying to make a full time gig of this, so working every day on kids games, to bigger games like platformers which have taken me months to polish.

    We'll see how it goes, if not, I always have nursing to fall back on :)

    My total net income so far is around 10K and climbing, so we'll see how it goes.

    My nursing salary was really good so I have to at least meet that or exceed it to do this full time.

    It's quite challenging, but nice to be doing something that feels more like a hobby instead of really tough work like nursing.

    @Peach: I also grew up in Aussie, that's where your from right?

    I know gaming systems are very expensive there, I remember visiting a few years back, and was wow'd by how much some of the gaming systems were, even though they're in Aussie Dollars, it's still double the price!

    Although I think the Aussie dollar has picked up some, so perhaps it would be best to get a U.S system used, and use a convertor to charge it :)

    At least with the Nintendo games and portables, everything is region free :)

    But regarding the GBA: You should play some of the games! It was a really awesome system, I have a whole box of games that I kept b/c it was one of my favorites. Reminded me of a portable SNES
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Thanks for sharing the info - to both - I either missed it previously or it slipped my mind.

    That's a great number of sales - I hope you can make it a full time gig :) Your games, although they seem a much higher quality than my first 5, seem to typically be on the smaller side rather than huge, epic adventure type things - so that gives me hope :) I also like that another woman is succeeding with it.

    Where did you grow up?

    I was born in Adelaide, lived there until I was 16 - on my 16th birthday I left home and went to Melbourne and then when I was 17 (and a half!) I went on to Sydney where I live now. :)

    As to the Aussie dollar - ARGH. It HAS picked up some, and seems to still be doing so. This is NOT good for me. I make money online, ONLY online, and get paid in USD. When the dollar was terrible sometime back I loved converting my money and seeing it go up a huge amount - how it sucks XD I need it to stay low until after my birthday so I can afford mah iPad ;)

    I always feel a little guilty talking to a nurse - I have very poorly managed type 1 diabetes >.<' - hope that manage it better come next year when I start getting more money. (Got some stuff going on besides apps, luckily ^-^;)

    You seem like you'd be a nice to have, mind you. I've had some terrible and some great, and we definitely need more great ones around. (Mean ones suck when you feel sick.)

    How long ago did you submit your first app, and what was it? :)
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Oh, and with the GBA - sometime I've got some cash I'll work out getting some 2nd hand games from one of the stores here for cheap to have a go at :)
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    @Peach: Sorry to hear about your Diabetes :( Type 1 is definitely hard to manage, but I found that a lot of patients knew more about managing it than the nurses did. They'd come in with their insulin pumps before surgery, and knew just what to tweak it at. I hope you're able to get that under control though!

    Wow you moved out young!

    I grew up in the Gold Coast, then moved out here in '87, been back to visit, and have relatives in Sydney and the Gold Coast. Sydney, IMO, is the most beautiful city in the world! Love it there so kudos to you!

    Yeah, looks like on the U.S conversion rate, you get 0.84 cents on the dollar, so not too bad!

    It's really nice when you make money in europe or the UK though! I definitely get more, so you'd probably almost double your income at that :)

    My very first app was submitted back in October or November of last year I believe, it was called "Endless Apples" and I was lucky as it was published in New and Noteworthy. I didn't even know what that section was, as I was so new to the app store.

    Sales did okay, but now if you're published under N&N, you get a ton of sales!

    Yes, GBA games have some of the best titles! A lot of SNES ports, but 2 of my favorites are the "Kuru Kuru Kururin" series. Great puzzlers those are! Came out in Japan, and I think U.K!
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