Application loader won't work
Just finished my app and I'm trying to load it onto iTunes connect. All of the tutorials are outdated and I keep getting this error message. If anyone could give me currently valid directions for iTunes connect uploading your app and/or if you could tell me what i'm doing wrong anyhow I can fix it.
can't get the pic to work so her's what it says
We’re having trouble connecting to the App Store. Please try again later.
No software with CFBundleIdentifier of 'com.GG.Bubble' exists. Verify your bundle identifier is correct. If it is, you may need to log into iTunes Connect to create the application.
Did you create the app ID? Did you used the production certificate? did you entered the .com.GG.Bubble on the GS publishing site? as far as I know all the tutorials are still usable because the process is kind off the same.
I did all that several times and kept getting the same error Approw
Did you make sure you used the Distribution profile and not a Developer profile?
@jdh362000 Maybe you should use only use lower case characters in your bundle identifier (no capitals). This might fix your problem.