Unintentionally Spawning Multiple Actors
I’ve got a problem. I’m attempting to spawn ONE actor, then change the attribute that determines which actor is spawned. The problem is that, for some reason I can’t find, the act of pushing the button spawns two actors in quick succession. Below is a shot of the setup. Any help at all would be appreciated, and thank you in advance.
What is in 'else' ?
What are the rules in the CircleBlock actor ?
There was nothing in the "Else" and the circle block's behavior is simply to move up until being destroyed.
I actually ended up (sort of) solving the issue. I changed the activation to a different button, and then it seemed to work fine. For some reason pushing and holding the spacebar for more than just a moment, would result in this happening. Maybe it has something to do with my keyboard, but the space bar was being triggered twice for some reason. Weird stuff. Thanks!