Is posible to create a rule "if" with a specific table cell value?
I want to create rules like "If cell value X,Y = 3" --> "Do this".
But you don´t have the option "e" wich let you to chose a specific cell.
Is this possible by other way?
I want to create rules like "If cell value X,Y = 3" --> "Do this".
But you don´t have the option "e" wich let you to chose a specific cell.
Is this possible by other way?
Choose "numeric expression" instead of "attribute" from the dropdown menu.
Mental Donkey Games
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I don´t see this option :-(
When I create a rule, I only see "atribute" option (and some others) but not that one "numeric expresion". Im working with PC Game Salad version 10.0
Sorry. Can't help you with the Windows version. I'm using a mac.
Mental Donkey Games
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Don't create multiple threads on the same topic.
But you can create an attribute that stores your tableValue and use that attribute in the rule.
Yes, I know, but if you have big tables is much work.
Just wanted to know if it was a better way to do it (like in a Mac).
The PC creator does not have this option so you'll have to do what we use to do: create an attribute and change it to the table Cell Value. Since this new attribute now holds the table value you wanted to check initially, you can create a rule and hook up this attribute:
rule: when attribute self.tableValue = 0,
Execute code.
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I answered the same in your other thread. Sorry. I didn't see this one.
We all had to do it this way until about a year ago. It is more work, but thats how it has to be done. The GS team are working on the next windows release and I think it contains table to table expressions.
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