iSUB now on Appstore - promo codes

ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
After 5 days waiting, and 1 day in review, my little game, iSUB is now live on the appstore.

Heres 10 promo codes up for grabs. if you take one, can you post which one youve taken, and leave me a nice review on the appstore. thanks :)


I'll post more codes if the first batch get used up.

Alternatively, if you prefer, I can email you a code if you email me at: [email protected]


  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Thankies! Took FEX374XY6AMW

    Will leave you a review and stars - looking forward to playing it!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • jweaver911jweaver911 Member Posts: 439
    wow Chunky! Nice graphics! Did you do them?
    Oh and count me in on emailing you :)
  • IntelligentDesignerIntelligentDesigner Member Posts: 517
    Redeemed PA6MXLAL7FE7

    Very nice job Chunkypixels, especially the color palette and sub graphics. Will review as soon as it downloads
  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    @jweaver911 yup, I did the graphics myself.... Ive been a pro games artist/designer for over 20 years.

    They were actually originally created for a client more than a year ago. The client didnt end up making the game and recently sold the rights to the assets back to me at a discount so that I could make some use of them.

    It all fell into place really... as having the ready made set of assets meant i was able to create the game quite quickly with GameSalad.

    oh... and I like what you did with the appstore review title..... "Subperb" ....nice!!! :)
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Chunkypixels said:
    oh... and I like what you did with the appstore review title..... "Subperb" ....nice!!! :)

    Sounds a little sub-standard to me...

    I'll get my coat...

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    So... after 1 full day of sales data.....

    iSUB has broken into the top100 Arcade chart....... in Japan... with a position of 87.

    Only took 4 sales....quite bonkers really... :)

    Currently at 270 Arcade in the US.... with around 30 sales.

    I'll keep updating the post, with sales data. But just thought I'd give the starting figures so it gives something to base future figures on.

    .... so if anyone wants to help the cause, its only 99c :)
  • jweaver911jweaver911 Member Posts: 439
    Yeah! I really do like it. I've always been a fan of those games. They're so simple but keep you coming back to get that "Just a little bit further" goal. :) Glad you caught the title.... it felt like a fit.
    I forgot to mention the sounds too. They are top notch as well.

    Congrats on the sales so far!

    Seeing all of these other people's apps is making me anxious; my app has been in review since late sunday night. Ugh...

    You can stay! We love cheesy, dry humor! lol.
  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    just a quick update.

    So the game did around 200 sales total during its first 2 weeks. A bit of a disappointment, but not completely unexpected. Once the sales had trickled down to 2 a day I decided to stick it on the appstore for free.

    2 days free, and just short of 20,000 downloads. Seems that the French and Japanese have a particular penchant for free submarine games, as its currently ranked 33 and 38 in free games in those 2 countries, compared to 180 free game in the USA..

    From the feedback so far.... it seems that online leaderboards are the top of the wishlist, followed by engine optimisations for older devices, and an immediate level restart option.

    Funnily one so far has asked for Adverts to be added, although I have suddenly started to get numerous emails from various companies asking me if I'd like to sign up with them to monetise my game through addding ads..... as many may already know, Im not a fan of advertising in games, so Ive either politely declined, or just ignored them.

    Im working on an update, to optimise the game, add some more variation, and to add score rank trophies.... then will decide whether to keep the game as free, or if to change it back to paid for a while.

    As its basically my first GameSalad test app I dont want to spend too much time improving the game, as Ive got bigger projects to finish, so Im leaning towards keeping it completely free, and using it as a platform for releasing future games.
  • madpoetmadpoet Member Posts: 59
    Hi Chunky Pixels.
    Love the art in your game. I have a sub game coming out soon, just a little different
    in style. Interesting note about the interest in submarine games frm the Japanese and the french.

    Thx for posting and good luck with your sales!
  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    hi Madpoet...

    I also did graphics and helped design another submarine game, called Sub Hunt on the iphone.

    The game got good reviews and coverage across quite a few websites, and started out with a month of solid sales. The developer was then contacted by a publisher with regards to taking the game under their banner. The deal was done, and the game got some rebranding, and adverts attached..... and then upon the new update.... sank without trace.

    Again though.... whilst it was selling, it seemed to get particularly good sales in Japan.

    I dont think submarines appeal to the majority of games buyers though.....
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Chunkypixels said:
    I dont think submarines appeal to the majority of games buyers though.....

    It's a shame, really. I wanted to make a retro side scrolling submarine game a while back - and while explaining the concept to JGary on one of our many chats, he said "Christ - you re-define the word 'niche'."

    Which is a shame, as I love submarines :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • QuinnZoneStudiosQuinnZoneStudios Member Posts: 452
    Hey Chunkeypixels!

    I redeemed code 74NXMYRKYXFA
    Downloading it now and look forward to playing and leaving a review.

    It looks great. Thanks a bunch!

  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    madpoet said:
    Hi Chunky Pixels.
    Love the art in your game. I have a sub game coming out soon, just a little different
    in style. Interesting note about the interest in submarine games frm the Japanese and the french.

    Thx for posting and good luck with your sales!

    Actually, to both you and chunky, would it be worth your while do you think to translate your app descriptions into French and Japanese?

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
  • madpoetmadpoet Member Posts: 59
    Hey QS,

    I had thought that as well. Good suggestion.
    How would that work? I haven't submitted app to Apple yet. Does that mean a
    seperate description/build is sent to Apple under a different country category?
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    I have no idea I'm afraid - I just make my games in English, cos that what language I spek the bestest in...

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • madpoetmadpoet Member Posts: 59
    I spek dat languig too...:)
  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    Probably the best option is to try and make the game with all icon buttons/non text, and do instructions with illustrations and diagrams.... that way the app is universal, without the need for any translations. Then its just the App store descriptions you'll need to worry about.

    To be honest, I should have done that for iSUB, and might redo the assets to have no text for the update. Its something Ive had to do for multi-region console games in the past, so it was basically lazy of me not to have done it for iSUB.

    ...on a slightly different note... free downloads for 4 day period were 8000, 11000, 7000 and 4000. France followed by Japan were top 2 countries for the first 3 days.

    Ive now put it back to 99c, to test if it makes any difference to paid downloads. Im working on an update, then will decide further on whether to keep it at 99c or to go back to being free.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315

    Took this code, and will review for you now Chunky, looks like a great game :)

    If you have a chance, I started a thread on my update of "cake and ice cream" if you could review that one honestly, that would be great :)
  • madpoetmadpoet Member Posts: 59
    Thx Chunkypixels for the info.
    Looking forward to your stats re. free/paid switching.
  • FranzKellerFranzKeller Member Posts: 517
    "in an octopusses' garden in the shade"...
    gotta love those sub games... like "In The Hunt" by Irem. I rem-member it well...

    gonna have a Sumarine related DVD... who knows? Might make an app to go with it
    if this GS turns out well


    You should have a more "pictoral" icon - showing your cool art rather than
    just the word
  • Marc_n_SophMarc_n_Soph Member Posts: 111
    Hey Chunkypixels

    Bought and reviewed, good work m8, love it. I nearly snapped my thumb tryin to avoid a sunken ship! haha

    Marc n Soph
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