Spawning items on one layer
Hello! I am trying to implement a system for item spawning in my game but , at the same time i am confused. How do you make a certain actor spawn randomly on only ONE layer of your game? for example the ground layer is were I want some food items to spawn.
Place the spawner (the actor that is spawning the food items) on the layer you want the food items to be spawned to.
Thanks @Socks , any way i could randomize the items being spawned? or would separate spawners for that?
Do you mean randomise which items are spawned ? (rather than randomise where they are being spawned or when they are being spawned . . . etc).
If so . . .
. . . . . . . . .
Make an (integer) attribute in the spawner, let's call it Food.
And let's assume you have 7 food items.
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In the spawner, place a change attribute behaviour that says:
Change Food to random (1,7)
. . . . . . . . .
Then under that some rules:
When Food = 1
Spawn Tomatoes
When Food = 2
Spawn Blueberry Pie
When Food = 3
Spawn Chicken McNuggets
When Food = 4
Spawn Sushi
When Food = 5
Spawn Beer !!
When Food = 6
Spawn More Beer !!
When Food = 7
Spawn headache tablet x2