Buttons display below the screen
in Help Wanted
I'm testing my game on a HTC phone(android). The buttons which are supposed to be used to control the hero is below the screen of the phone. I thought it's supposed to display correctly irrespective of the phone. How can I fix this?
are you changing the y position of the buttons in the actors? Alternatively are they ever moving, or is there gravity?
Does the aspect ratio of your GameSalad project match the aspect ratio of the HTC ?
I think is the aspect ratio. I'm using iPad project settings.
The iPad screen and the HTC screen are different shapes.
iPad = 4:3 aspect ratio
HTC = 16:9 aspect ratio
You need to detect the screen shape (width divided by the height will give you the ratio) then move the buttons approprately.
Sounds like you published using overscan try using stretch. You can also search the forums for Universal Builds.
when publishing i can't find option for stretch. just overscan and letterbox
I copied rules from this http://forums.gamesalad.com/discussion/72604/universal-build-flexible-aspect-ratio-stretch-trick-with-video-and-template for non-scrolling and yet it doesn't work. I'm using overscan while publishing, because i cant find option for stretch