Quick Question About Multiple Versions
Hey guys, so I just have a quick question about making multiple versions of your app. As you all know, a lot of people end up making a game for iPhones and then they change the resolutions/image sizes and what not to make an iPad version, or vice versa. But recently I posted an iPhone game exclusively for iPhones and it turns out that ALL iPhone games have to be playable on iPads. So now what I am going to do is make 2 versions of the app, an iPhone version and an iPad version. But this is where I get confused, because if I submit the iPhone version, I will get rejected for no iPad support. The iPad supported version is a totally different binary. So how do people go about submitting an iPhone version and a iPad version? do they upload 2 different binaries to iTunes connect when publishing or what? I hope this question makes sense, sorry if it doesn't!
I am almost certain that you don't have to support the iPad with your release. Make sure that when you publish you are not selecting IOS Universal, but instead iPhone only or iPad only. You do however have to support all sizes of the iPhone if you choose to publish there. As per iTunes Connect, in order to publish both an iPhone and iPad version you must create 2 separate apps in your development portal.
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What you are saying makes perfect sense to me, and that's how Apple should do it, but apparently they do require iPad support. I recently submitted my app and that is what they told me. This issue was discussed here a couple days ago: http://forums.gamesalad.com/discussion/75278/2-10-iphone-apps-must-also-run-on-ipad-without-modification-at-iphone-resolution-and-at-2x-iphone#latest
could someone help me?
Since iPhone games should be playable in a window on iPads (and that's all they're asking you to do, from reading the other thread), it seems that perhaps they're taking issue with there being bugs displayed in the iPad version. Have you tried running the iPhone build on an iPad?
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Yes, what's happening is that the top and bottom get cut off. And I can fix that if I choose letterbox. But when I choose letterbox and play on my iPhone, the sides have a 1 pixel wide line going down them
Ok after reading a comment form a user in your other thread I think this might be a GS bug. When a user loads your iPhone game on their iPad which they can do it is displayed on the iPad in the centre of the screen in iPhone size. There is a button displayed on the bottom right of the screen which when pressed will 2x the game on the screen and visa versa. It looks pretty crap but Apple allows all iPhone games to be loaded on an iPad in this way.
If it is displaying correctly on an iPhone but not on an iPad it could be an issue with GS. It has been awhile since I have seen this and I had forgotten about it. Submit a support ticket and get them to have a look at it.
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I think I will just end up using letter box, but making my resolution a little bit wider. That should do the trick.
Apple won't accept letterboxes games, it may sneak through the review process but generally not. Submit a support ticket and find out it it is something you have done or a GS bug. If it is a GS bug it will get fixed so it doesn't affect other users.
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Why in the world would they not accept letterbox games? what does the resolution center tell you if you try?
Because they want apps to fully fit their devices without black bars. When you get rejected you can talk to them directly to get more information and it is quick. They will sometimes even call you just click the button in you app submission page next to the rejected notice in iTunes connect.
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lol, they want our games to fully fit the screen? that would mean the screen would have to stretch and everything would look distorted.... Do they even realize that?
You can construct your game in such a way as it does not distort and publish using Overscan see the instructions in my signature below for more info. You can use Stretch and adjust the camera to resize it and add a larger background. There are many threads on this subject you will need to read up on it and decide which is the bet way to go.
You are the developer and it is up to you to develop your game to fit the guidelines of the various stores. It is a lot of work but the good news is it can be done.
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In most cases, I think the best way to go is to simple make 2 binaries, one coded for iPhones and one coded for iPads. Although I don't like the idea of having my iPhone version and my iPad version both being available for the iPad
Even if you provide two binaries I suspect the iPhone one will still need to fit their requirements and be able to load and display on an iPad. Also you will still need your game to fit an iPhone 4 1:5 aspect to iPhone 6 16:9. But it does seem like they haven't pinged you for that.
AFAIK any iPhone built game can be loaded onto an iPad it is something Apple allows and they provide a 2x button to increase the size. If you build separate binaries users will still be able to load the iPhone version on an iPad and if it doesn't work you will still have the same problem.
If you build a universal binary then this option won't apply because the binary is the same. If you are going to create two binaries you may as well try and go the extra mile and include iPad in a Universal Binary so you only have one binary to deal with and your problem goes away.
If you want to stick with your iPhone build then like I said submit a support ticket to GS and see what they say. It could be a bug they will fix and your good to go.
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What do you mean by "you may as well include iPad in a Universal Binary"? Isn't iPad already included in a Universal Binary?
I think he meant to write that if you are going to go ahead and go through the trouble and time of creating 2 apps, you might as well just do a little extra work on one app to support iPhone/ipad.
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@Lovejoy that's what I meant
. I should have said "If you are going to create two binaries you may as well try and go the extra mile and include iPad AND CREATE a Universal Binary so you only have one binary to deal with and your problem goes away."
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ah, I see what you mean now