It may get rejected. Some get though others don't. Apple wants developers to use the full device screen no matter the device. Search the forums for topics as there a ways to accomplish full screen on all devices.
As Guru said. I have had one of mine that was letter boxed go through but have heard stories of others that weren't so lucky. Just do a search on creating universal builds.
I don't know of one. I will see if I can come across something but not sure off the top of my head. Maybe someone will be able to get something for you.
Also, something else to help you in regards to publishing;
Mac Desktop
Sections required for publishing:
Icon (Note: Icon upload located in the top header section)
Display Name
Version Number
Bundle ID
Optional sections:
Nickname (Note: This field no effect on the published file. Allows users to customize the name of tabs under ‘Platforms’)
Start App fullscreen by default
Enable Glossy App Icon
Custom Loading Image
App Store URL (Note: Only applicable to games which are also published to the GameSalad Arcade)
Additional requirements:
Apple requires that all Mac Desktop applications be signed with a valid Developer Certificate.
Once you're ready to distribute your Mac Desktop game on the Apple App Store, be sure to sign it with a Distribution Provisioning Profile, rather than a Development Provisioning Profile. Apple will not accept applications via the Application Loader unless they are signed with a Distribution Provisioning Profile. In addition, keep in mind that your .app must be compressed (.zip) before the Application Loader will consider it a valid file for upload.
Mac Standalone applications will now need to be signed with the Developer ID to run on Mountain Lion OS X. To sign a Mac Desktop application with your own Developer ID, please refer to the following documentation provided by Apple:
Hello KillerPenguinStudios, now i can test by adhoc , but i have a problem i don´t know what is te behabiour to exit to finder(exit to desktop), can you help me?
It may get rejected. Some get though others don't. Apple wants developers to use the full device screen no matter the device. Search the forums for topics as there a ways to accomplish full screen on all devices.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
As Guru said. I have had one of mine that was letter boxed go through but have heard stories of others that weren't so lucky. Just do a search on creating universal builds.
can I test it by adhoc before publishing my game?
Must i Use application loader to submit to itunes connect?
Yes you can and you should. It is recommend so you can see how it will run when downloaded from the app store.
Yes, that is a must and the only way you can publish your app to Apple.
hello KillerPenguinStudios, can you pass me a tutorial for test by adhoc, i know how to do it in ios app store but not in mac app store.
Hey @agueis,
I don't know of one. I will see if I can come across something but not sure off the top of my head. Maybe someone will be able to get something for you.
Also, something else to help you in regards to publishing;
Mac Desktop
Sections required for publishing:
Icon (Note: Icon upload located in the top header section)
Display Name
Version Number
Bundle ID
Optional sections:
Nickname (Note: This field no effect on the published file. Allows users to customize the name of tabs under ‘Platforms’)
Start App fullscreen by default
Enable Glossy App Icon
Custom Loading Image
App Store URL (Note: Only applicable to games which are also published to the GameSalad Arcade)
Additional requirements:
Apple requires that all Mac Desktop applications be signed with a valid Developer Certificate.
Once you're ready to distribute your Mac Desktop game on the Apple App Store, be sure to sign it with a Distribution Provisioning Profile, rather than a Development Provisioning Profile. Apple will not accept applications via the Application Loader unless they are signed with a Distribution Provisioning Profile. In addition, keep in mind that your .app must be compressed (.zip) before the Application Loader will consider it a valid file for upload.
Mac Standalone applications will now need to be signed with the Developer ID to run on Mountain Lion OS X. To sign a Mac Desktop application with your own Developer ID, please refer to the following documentation provided by Apple:
Hello KillerPenguinStudios, now i can test by adhoc , but i have a problem i don´t know what is te behabiour to exit to finder(exit to desktop), can you help me?
I mean when i´m playing my game how can i return to finder?
I can not upload a .pkg by aplication loader?