Upload failed Your APK needs to have the package name...
in Help Wanted
Hi Guys,
I'm trying to upload the V.1 on google play.
But i'm Having this error :
The package name mention by google is the package name I choosed in the GS publishing section.....
I don't know what to do... The package's name generated by GS is saved as the name I choose in the publish section.
Witch name should I give to my app in order to be upload ?
Thanks Guys.
All the best from France.
You have 2 errors here. The first is you have already uploaded a previous APK with a different package name. This package name must be the same as before. You have changed the name when you have recompiled the game.
The second error is that you haven't ticked google play in the IAP settings in publishing when compiling.
I find a solution you are right.