State of GameSalad on 12-18-2014
Hello again all you GameSalad fans! I apologize for not getting out a State of GameSalad post for you guys last week. I had caught the flu and was stuck in bed, however I have now gathered up some more info to share with you guys, enjoy!
Release 12 for the Windows version of GameSalad Creator. We’re still working hard on getting the Windows version of Creator up to date with the Mac version. One such thing that was recently added is the newer IAP behaviors.
Release 0.13.0. for the Mac version of Creator. Work is coming along on this and there is currently a nightly build out for you guys to check out the new features! We’re also hoping to have a stable version out early next year! For those who don’t know, a couple of the major additions in release 13 are Facebook integration and the new rendering system.
Updated nightly build for the Mac version of Creator! This update has some memory and image fixes! Feel free to grab a version of it here and check out this thread for more info and to report issues you may have
New Release Candidate for the Mac version of Creator! We put out another Release Candidate for the Mac version of Creator recently that contains some fixes to memory issues. Feel free to grab a version of it here and check out this thread for more info:
New nightly build for the Windows version of Creator. We’re hoping to have a new nightly build out for the Windows version of Creator soon! A couple things that will be available in this build are some added behaviors and native preview!
New marketplace / website updates! Work on the marketplace is still being done, but I’ve heard our web guys are also working on updating other pages of the website as well. The PRO page is now redone, check it out here!
GameSalad Game Jam 2014! The winners from the second Game Jam have been chosen and can be found along with more info in this thread:
Cross platform creator. Still lots of good progress being made here.
GameSalad Monthly Meetup. Our next GameSalad meetup will be held January 8th. This meetup will have Steve Jakab (stevej) presenting a talk about how to use PlaysTogether for multiplayer games! For more info check out this thread:
Alright, that’s all for this week. More info coming at you guys next week!
Lookin great as always!
Sorry @ForumNinja, seems like people are getting sick everywhere
Thanks again!
Jan 8th. Seems like your still sick, go back to bed.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@Lovejoy You may be right and thanks for pointing that out
Changed it to January 8th.
Great work as always, GS Team! Keep it up!
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Just looked at the new PRO page - so much better than the previous. Well done! It's also great to see a lot of community games featured there. Great job!
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
I agree that the new Pro page looks great. It certainly convinced me... even though I already am a Pro Member.
Any update on Admob integration?
"Cross platform creator. Still lots of good progress being made here."
Still trying to figure out how to gauge the term "good progress". I mean all the reports about Cross Platform Creator have used the phrase " good/great progress ". SO just how close are we to having the CPC?
If everyone in the GS Development team had money in a pool. What month and year would you put your 100$ on? 1st Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter 2015? 2016?
Will the Cross Platform Creator replace the current ones we are using now? Mac/PC versions. If so. will that mean GS will finally be out of its BETA reign? IF not does that mean we will have a Mac/PC/CPC version all being beta?
Ahhh you know me.... always curious. Try to wrap my head around things.
Every time i see you comment on a post i get curious about what its going to be about this time. You are marked as a black sheep to the GS staff, so maybe next time just have someone else ask the question and maybe they will answer. Im sure many of us forum members want to know these answers as well.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I am waiting for "Cross Platform Engine"
GameSalad teams needs to move up quickly because the number of Apps in App Store is more than 1.5 Million.
If we don't want to be out of this race, GameSalad needs to be faster in their progress. Every day without this basic features (Social media integrations, analytics, more monetization features like AdMob or Vungle, access to device camera or default device language etc.)
I hope that GameSalad wants to become more than Hobby Game Creation tool. And I think Cross Platform Creator is an enter to the new world. I recommend GS Team that just focus the new engine and get it ready as soon as possible because current engine won't be enough for us in the next few months.
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is the sky falling again?
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Sure sounds like it. The natives are getting restless. They'll calm down after they eat and drink their fill in the next few days.
BTW and as you know, BlackCloakGS said at the last Meetup that both versions of the current Creator will be continued well after the CPC is introduced so that we can maintain and update our older apps.
iTC shut down already and I missed the boat with two apps that didn't make it to the finish line. Anyway, I will console myself playing with a new maxed-out Retina iMac.
Let's not forget that @CodeWizard said screenshots would be given before the end of the year
I think this next State of GameSalad post may be a great one!
Holy Cow! Will we get it on Wednesday, Christmas Eve, or will the team be off this week?
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
I think the team is off this week until January 5, 2015, so the next State of GameSalad post won't be until that week in 2015.
@Gamelover456 The team will be off this is true (starting this Wednesday) but I'll do my best to get you guys a State of GameSalad post today, or at the very least get all the info I need to make one before the end of the week
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx