Release Candidate 0.12.13 is available!
Release Candidate 0.12.13
- More memory fixes for mac creator. Release scene Editor now after the scene size has changed.
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If you find bugs in the Release Candidate, let us know! We'll be watching the forums, support tickets and bug database for info on this. Once we're all happy with the state of the build then we'll make it stable.
Take a moment to review the "known issues" section of the release notes before reporting any bugs. No need to duplicate reports on what we already know, right?
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Will confirm tomorrow evening after some more extensive real-world use, but this is looking good - not seeing any ballooning memory in this build so far.
Superb news!
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Great to hear it, will try it out later.
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Just tried it out, no noticeable memory ballooning. Works great!
I was really hopefully seeing the comments from the rest of the users here in regards to memory, but my game is unfortunately doing exactly the same as before. I start at 170MB and then the game crashes out of memory after 15 scene changes as real memory reaches above 650MB according to Xcode instruments. Every scene change just adds memory to the total and it looks like none of the memory from the previous scene is released when the scene changes.
@viking, the memory improvement in this version are specific to the Creator. And they do seem to be "almost" solved. Just a small creep of 1 or 2MB, which is ok.
Hopefully @BlackCloakGS can solve the same in the adhoc/live code just as quickly.
Thanks for the heads-up @Hopscotch
After a few hours of testing, I can confirm what Hopscotch said above; there is still some memory usage creeping up, but nowhere near as exponentially as before.
Heaps better. I have 32 gb of ram and after awhile it will start to slowdown a bit. I worked for an hour setting up score and high score actors, dragging them on to the scene, opening and closing them a lot. I used the back button a lot too and I can't say exactly when but somewhere after a half hour to an hour it started to slow down. Not anywhere near as bad as before but it was noticeable.
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Working a bit better here too thankfully. Although I still had to restart GS once but I'm getting about 10 more minutes of runtime on this version if you want to look at it that way. Here is what I'm seeing when working on my main game: The game is 37.8 MB in size, when I start GS 0.12.13 RC Mac activity monitor shows that it is using 41 MB of RAM, and after opening my game and maximizing the window it instantly grew to 721 MB, after about 20 minutes of use it was hovering at about 967 MB. This is definitely an improvement because on previous versions of GS I've seen my project soar to 1.3 GB of RAM usage and thats when it was smaller in size too. Thanks for the great fixes GS team and please keep them coming because I would love to get even more time in working on my games before having it slow down.
This is a step in the right direction!
At one point today it got so bad I had to shut it down and restart but it is still 10 times better.
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@BlackCloakGS if I build a game in Kindle Fire which doesn't have RI and make my images 2x will checking RI on the publishing server work?
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@BlackCloakGS would it be possible / easy to add the ability to move actors up and down the scene layers while the game is in play? for example, you could make a double dragon type game and the higher the Y location the lower down the actor would move in the layer order. that would be amazing if that was a easy add-on
sorry if someone already asked about this and I missed it!
@BlackCloakGS @adent42 or anyone at GS, if I build a game on the Kindle Fire platform which doesn't have the Resolution Independence option in Creator and make my images 2x will checking Resolution Independence on the publishing server work?
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@BlackCloakGS @adent42 could someone please take the time to answer my question above?
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