dgackeydgackey Austin, TXInactive, PRO, Chef Emeritus Posts: 699

As many of you know, we've been working on a new Marketplace ("MP 2.0") for some time now. As we get closer to testing (and then releasing) that platform, it is important for us to keep as many resources focused on that project as possible.

As a result, as of today, we will no longer be approving new Marketplace seller applications for the current Marketplace.

Existing sellers may continue to add new products and update existing products for now, and buyers should feel free to continue to shop and purchase content as you have in the past.

We don't have a firm date on the MP2.0 launch but it will be sometime in Q1 2015 and we'll keep you posted on that progress as we get closer.



Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc · [email protected]



  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273

    Good to know - and looking forward to seeing the new Marketplace!

  • ogreofwartogreofwart Hello Everybody on the Gamesalad Planet. I come in peace, warts'n'all!!! Lancashire UKMember Posts: 281

    I too am looking forward to seeing the changes.
    If the improvements to the Marketplace cause a little disruption I think it will be worth it :D

  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114

    Interested to know if the plan is to move all current products that are for sale over to the new store once its up and running... or if the new store will start afresh, with a more select set of products that will need to go through a new approval process?

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692

    Very close to my 100th template on the GS marketplace so better make the big one extra special :)


  • dgackeydgackey Austin, TXInactive, PRO, Chef Emeritus Posts: 699

    @Chunkypixels said:
    Interested to know if the plan is to move all current products that are for sale over to the new store once its up and running... or if the new store will start afresh, with a more select set of products that will need to go through a new approval process?

    For the most part we're going to start fresh. We will, however, be reaching out to some of our more prolific sellers to help us test and improve the new MP, which will serve the dual purpose of giving them extra time to get their products migrated and help seed the new marketplace with solid content.

    In general, we're going to have much higher quality expectations for what makes it onto Marketplace 2.0, as well.

    Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc · [email protected]

  • gingagaminggingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Member Posts: 1,685

    A fresh start is certainly the best way to progress here. With new rules and more quality products, it can only be a good solution for all.

    I hope the upload process is improved too, its never been an "easy" process to upload for us seller!

    I would would be happy to upload some of my existing and also create some new templates to the market place. I have a few new unreleased and unique templates waiting for the new store so excited to hear this is getting closer to completion!

    Best Regards

  • ogreofwartogreofwart Hello Everybody on the Gamesalad Planet. I come in peace, warts'n'all!!! Lancashire UKMember Posts: 281
    edited December 2014

    Higher standards is good. If some of my stuff is weeded out, all the better for me to make improvement. A good shake up will make us all buck our ideas up and concentrate on quality. I only hope the new submission rules do not change PNG files for PSD and AI as I run Vista and cannot support Illustrator or Photoshop without an expensive outlay for myself :'(

  • jorkosjorkos Member, PRO Posts: 353

    I hope we can sell whole apps at some point!

  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343
    edited December 2014

    "Will be starting fresh"

    Great news. It was looking junky...

    Hope you have more categories or ways to search for specific asset makers. Have top sellers or popular...pricing low to high.

  • willkeslingwillkesling Member, PRO Posts: 123

    I am a current vendor in the marketplace and would love to help beta test/ ux the new marketplace. :)

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,382

    Damn, just as I'm about to finish my drawing/art template too :D I have the worst timing :D

  • ogreofwartogreofwart Hello Everybody on the Gamesalad Planet. I come in peace, warts'n'all!!! Lancashire UKMember Posts: 281

    @dgackey said:"As a result, as of today, we will no longer be approving new Marketplace seller applications for the current Marketplace.

    Existing sellers may continue to add new products and update existing products for now, and buyers should feel free to continue to shop and purchase content as you have in the past."

    I take this to mean Sellers new to the Marketplace and not existing sellers, will be restricted from submitting material.
    I hope so cos I've got a bit more stuff for Christmas to go on yet :p

  • LovejoyLovejoy Member Posts: 2,078

    @Armelline said:
    Damn, just as I'm about to finish my drawing/art template too :D I have the worst timing :D

    Im right there with ya! I had started to consolidate all my artwork and was ready to put some up.

    Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una

  • ogreofwartogreofwart Hello Everybody on the Gamesalad Planet. I come in peace, warts'n'all!!! Lancashire UKMember Posts: 281

    Has anybody tried to upload anything in the last few days, because I don't want to waste my time trying if its not going to work. :D Just an umble request from an even more umble Ogre >:)

  • ogreofwartogreofwart Hello Everybody on the Gamesalad Planet. I come in peace, warts'n'all!!! Lancashire UKMember Posts: 281

    Going to give it a try now (well after I filled out my MetaData sheet).
    Let you all know soon (ish) :#

  • ogreofwartogreofwart Hello Everybody on the Gamesalad Planet. I come in peace, warts'n'all!!! Lancashire UKMember Posts: 281

    Just got the "PENDING FINAL APPROVAL" Email so it looks like its still ok to upload so far :)

  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881

    Is there a problem with I want to get some winter theme assets out but the page seems to hang when uploading.

  • bernardoespanolbernardoespanol Member Posts: 6

    Please update the Marketplace soon. I have bought several assets before, and I like what you offer, but the place is a mess. I'm in the mood to buy some backgrounds today and the place is full off other assets. I think sellers are tagging their wares with as many tags as possible to get them to show up everywhere.

    Please punish people who do that in the next Marketplace update. Maybe ban them from the store for a month or two. No one wants to use a convoluted store. I have about fifty dollars to spend today on assets but I'm getting pretty fed up trying to navigate the store as is now.

  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343

    They are planning on a new launch in the first quarter of 2015

  • PhilipCCPhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaMember Posts: 1,390
    edited January 2015


    I like your new profile image much better than the old one. Did you draw it or buy it in the store? ;)

    About time I created one myself.

  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343
    edited January 2015

    @PhilipCC‌ thanks... I cropped that from an image online. It from "Jeff Waynes War of the Worlds" album cover. This was my old Half-Life 2 Deathmatch wall spray in game. :smile:

    We used to make our own sigs and banners...Profile images. It was allowed in my Clan.

    I wish we could have signature banners in the forums. I know for a fact is a fun thing to banter back and forth about at times as it did in my Clans forums The [51/50] Clan. it helps bring people together but like a lot of things...not allowed here.

    A few here from back in the day.

  • PhilipCCPhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaMember Posts: 1,390

    @Thunder_Child‌ Cool! Banners would be cool too. :D

  • zweg25zweg25 Member Posts: 738
    edited January 2015

    Just out of curiosity @dgackey‌, is the only way to buy something for Gamesalad through paypal? Because it seems you can no longer pay with a credit card

  • Night CabNight Cab Member Posts: 57

    I just purchased something from the Marketplace, downloaded it, it was a .gszip file. i double clicked the file and i didn't really see anything happen. I did it again and it says a file already exists in this game project.
    WHAT GAME PROJECT??? I don't see a game project! There isn't any game project open!!! Why does this have to be so damn difficult? What are they talking about??? What game project???

  • Night CabNight Cab Member Posts: 57

    Ok I found the same situation on another forum. Problem solved.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,382

    Any news on when the market is going to be re-opened for new sellers? My drawing template is finished and I'm keen to get selling it!

  • @ogreofwart said:
    I only hope the new submission rules do not change PNG files for PSD and AI as I run Vista and cannot support Illustrator or Photoshop without an expensive outlay for myself :'(

    Can't see it myself as PNG is a de-fecto standard file type - but if do then GIMP can export as PSD (but not AI as Adobe a bit protective over its IP so won't open the format up for others to use) so is a workable (free) solution. Also gives access to lots of PhotoShop type tools and filters ...

  • dgackeydgackey Austin, TXInactive, PRO, Chef Emeritus Posts: 699

    @zweg25‌ currently, PayPal is our only payment gateway, but you should be able to use a credit card through PayPal without having a PayPal account.

    @Armelline‌, we're hoping to start beta testing the new marketplace in the next week or two. Stay tuned.

    Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc · [email protected]

  • PhilipCCPhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaMember Posts: 1,390 said:
    Can't see it myself as PNG is a de-fecto standard file type - but if do then GIMP can export as PSD (but not AI as Adobe a bit protective over its IP so won't open the format up for others to use) so is a workable (free) solution. Also gives access to lots of PhotoShop type tools and filters ...

    Sorry, but I don't have a clue what you are saying or asking.

    Please elaborate and be clearer...

    Or is this just Spam?

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,382

    @dgackey said:
    Armelline‌, we're hoping to start beta testing the new marketplace in the next week or two. Stay tuned.

    Great news!

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