How do I know if my app went to Android while publishing?
This is my first time publishing to Android. I never got any emails saying that my app went through or is pending or whatnot.I did my bank and tax stuff and filled out all the Store Listing, Pricing, and IAP.. Everything that I know of. I hit Publish Game with a signed APK in the production section (there's 3 sections: Production, Beta Testing, Alpha Testing). So is the next step to just wait on Android? Thing that confuses me is the box in top right corner that I hit to publish now says "Published" with a checkmark beside it. Shouldn't is say pending or something? I'm just used to Apple I guess.
On google play, once it says 'published' your game will go live shortly. If you look at the title of the page(your app name), it will display some text (view on Google play) as a link. This link will either have an alert triangle or not.
If it has the triangle, it means its not fully live across the network, once this disappears, your app is searchable etc. It can normally take a few hours
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@jigglybean Apple takes few days before they review and test it. Does Android not test games that you submit? So if u submit a game and it's full of bugs or doesn't work properly, it can still go live in the Android store?
Android does some compatibility test and thats really it. They don't test to see if it fits on the screen or for any other bugs. Only Amazon and Apple fully test apps prior to going live
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Thanks, that's really good to know.