iphone vs ipad publishing
Hi all
I just wanted to seek advise from the experts. I see on Apple some games have a tab for iphone and ipad. Does this mean that I can create the same game with 2 different aspect ratios (screen sizes), and upload?
Also it is my understanding that Apple does not accept letterbox, but in a case where I already created the game size to only fit for example an ipad, when publishing must I use overscan then or leave at letterbox since both won't make any difference on an ipad
Yes, you´re game is the same with different ratios, you can create 2 games one for ipad and another for iphone if you want but is not usual to do that, but you can do it, the easy way is use stretch mode if you have the same game for iphone and ipad
My concern with using stretch is that the images appear elongated hence defeating the beauty of the games graphics. What is the workaround to that.