Indies Vs. PewDiePie Game
Hi all,
For 4 years we have been using GS to make our games (And still will). Now, for the first time we have tried using another program to be able to participate in the #indiesvspewdiepie Game Jam.
It's for PC desktop. Try it!
who you use to program it?
Not sure I'm allowed to mention here on the forum. But if you click the link you can see it in the right side of the game jolt page.
Do you know that you can enter using an APK made in GS and selecting "other" from the drop down menu?
Some GS members have also done a work around for the Arcade and a fake .HTML file to enter the jam using GS.
Good luck with your submission too!
Was this made with game salad , how is the shadows possible?
If you read his post again you will see: "Now, for the first time we have tried using another program"
Looks cool btw!!
oh right , thanks @dues
@gingagaming Yes, I did see some GS games entered the Jam
It's cool they found a workaround.
@Ed_Perkin Unfortunately we can't do this kind of shadows with GS, yet
Hopefully soon shadows will be formed in gamesalal. Properly not just images lile shsdows . Reallll shsdowwws