State of GameSalad on 11-21-2014
Hello again all you GameSalad fans! I’ve gathered up some info to share with you guys, enjoy!
Release 12 for the Windows version of GameSalad Creator. We’re still working hard on getting the Windows version of Creator up to date with the Mac version. One such thing that’s currently being looked at is: Creator will crash if you stop the Viewer on an iOS device then click "Back To Editor".
Release 0.13.0. for the Mac version of Creator. Work is coming along on this and there should be a new nightly build out in the near future for you guys to mess around with some of the new features! For those who don’t know, a couple of the major additions that will come with release 13 are Facebook integration and the new rendering system. It’s my understanding that our first pass at Facebook integration will include being able to post to walls (images, text, and even URLs). The new rendering system should bring improved performance and memory usage with it!
New nightly build for the Mac version of Creator. The new nightly build is getting closer and closer with only one major bug blocking it currently! Android is still experiencing crashes, but that is currently getting looked into and when it’s fixed the new nightly build should be good to go!
New nightly build for the Windows version of Creator. We’re hoping to have a new nightly build out for the Windows version of Creator this coming week or the week after! A couple things that will be available in this build are some added behaviors and native preview!
New marketplace / website updates! Work on the marketplace is still being done, but I’ve heard our web guys are also working on updating other pages of the website as well. There will be new PRO and download pages in the near future! The support page was recently redone, check it out here:
GameSalad Game Jam 2014! Our second Game Jam is currently going on with the theme of “old school”. Check out the following thread for details on how you could win a free year of Pro, a Kindle Fire HDX, or even $1000 cash! We’re also hoping to announce the winners of the first jam before Thanksgiving.
Cross platform creator. Great progress here and we’re still keeping quiet, but looking forward to sharing time!
Playstogether. You guys will be able to mess around with Playstogether in the upcoming nightly build for the Mac version of Creator! I’ve also heard that Steve J will be presenting a talk about how to use Playstogether with Creator at the January GameSalad monthly meetup.
GameSalad Monthly Meetup. (I’m including this for anyone who missed it last week) Our December GameSalad meetup will have a panel of Stephen Nichols (codewizard) and Alan Uthoff (BlackCloakGS) so attend online or in person if you have questions to ask codewizard
For more info check out this thread:
Alright, that’s all for this week. More info coming at you guys next week!
Thanks GS team!
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Hi @ForumNinja
Maybe you missed my comments from the previous weekly post...
What's up with self-hosted HTML5 publishing and Metrics Gathering for Pro subscribers?
Self-hosted HTML5 games — WITHOUT METRICS GATHERING — sounds exciting! Is GameSalad still heading in that direction?
Is GameSalad still on track for self-hosted HTML5 games in 2014?
It's nice to see that the Roadmap is on the way back. Maybe the "help" section might be a nice spot for it. Although, it seems like it should be with the "GameSalad Creator" section.
Great update as usual. Looking forward to Playstogether.
Also, like others have said, hoping the roadmap will be updated shortly. It's in need of an update.
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I've warmed up to GS and am now a true believer lol. Keep up the good work folks!!!
Posting on facebook... Hm... anyone can make a "sharer" facebook link today and make their own "facebook share" option. What about sending invites to friends for example? There are so many better and useful features in facebook's SDK than just sharing (which I can do myself today via special "sharer" URL).
One more thing. You should explain the "Legacy Retina Independence" check-box in all publishing sites just like next to other check-boxes. I saw a huge forum post but we need some conclusion before check or uncheck this option in Publishing menu. Many thanks.
@Photics I apologize for missing your comments and I'll be sure to ping @adent42 to try and get your questions for them answered.
I'm not sure if we're still heading in that direction (adent42 should be able to give you an answer though). I know you feel strongly about the topic of metrics gathering and I would suggest creating a feature request in the public bug database, ( and then asking some of your fellow GameSalad fans to vote for it. If you can get some votes for it, I bet it would become a higher priority!
I created a feature request:
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Why is the windows version still only allow the creation of legacy and ipad builds?! wheres 5 and 6??
The GS team is working on releasing the update for windows (see #1 on first post), hopefully by the end of this year.
Mac has always been a priority due to it being required for submission to the apple app store, which is the dominant store.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@Oleg32s A lot of people here don't know that GameSalad began as a Mac only platform which is why Mac Creator has had priority, but the team are working hard recently at getting the Windows version up to par.
Nice to know
Oh we have another Guru. hmmmm
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Fear not, the faithful will remain faithful.
Something is fishy. I think someone is try to capitalize on my rep.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Perhaps a reskinned template of yourself??
LMAO! Love it.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS