White Screen
I just downloaded GS and I am getting a white screen whenever I hit play. I was following one of the first tutorials where all I do is place 1 actor in the scene and apply a rotate behavior to it and hit play. When I do this I just get a white screen. I have also downloaded the "Basic Shoot Em Up" template. It loads into the editor okay, but again if I hit play I get a white screen.
I have updated my video card drivers, and updated .net framework to 4.5.
I would very much appreciate any help.
It could be the template. Try another free one to see. The latest version of windows may not work with some templates.
Check out this thread too on know issues
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Thanks for the suggestions.
I've tried running 2 other templates: Crazy Ball Wall Breaker and Alien Conquerors. Both with the same white screen result.
I checked out the thread and all it said was to make sure my .net framework is version 4.5.
Any other ideas?
You could try and re-install GS just incase. Its not an issue I have ever come across. I would also look at installing older versions of .net framework, incase your PC is missing anything there.
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