Experienced developer for hire

ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,382

I've been a member of this community for over 5 years, and a very experienced GameSalad developer. My portfolio includes 5 of my own games and well several dozen completed for other people, as well as scores of demos and example projects made for people on these forums, as well as things unrepeated using GameSalad like my poker hand comparison tool. If you frequent these forums you're bound to have seen me around!

I've just finished off two major projects and have time now to take on new clients. Once someone hires me they stick with me, so breaks in my schedule like this are rare and should be taken advantage of! I've made a very wide variety of games and I'm happy taking on any kind of project - be it bug fixing, integrating of IAP/GC, modifying templates or creating entire games from scratch.

I only take on one major project at a time, so you can be reassured that if I'm working on your game it's getting my complete attention. The logic I produce is clear, well documented and any price I quote includes helping you understand how the game works and how you can modify, adapt or update it, should you wish to do so yourself.

Drop me an email at [email protected], or PM through these forums. No job is too big or too small!

If you just want some free stuff, that's okay too! Check out my website: http://www.armelline.com/


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