Stable Release - iOS binary release 0.12.10a
iOS binary release 0.12.10a
This is a binary patch for the 0.12.10 stable release
- Fixed an In-App Purchasing crash in iOS apps if Apple returned a nil value when requesting purchasing data.
Republish you game or regenerate your 0.12.10 game to use the new binaries.
Wow that was quick!
Now... when I promised that Return ticket to Australia, uh, I was joking you know.
where can i find iOS binary release 0.12.10a?
Should i redownload stable release 0.12.10
No need to re-download, 12.10a is updated on Gamesalad's side.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Great to hear, i'm going to submit my new app today. Don't worry its only been 3 months and one new credit card later...
Also I'm finding that the Request Purchase Data function takes 2 attempts to contact the server on the first run of the app. After this any IAP server connections boot up the first time you press a button and call the function.
Anyone else got this minor issue?
Hey moderators! What is this?:
Maybe cut this sucker?
yup that's spam. done and done.
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